Chapter 3
A limo pulled up in front of the Kent farm several days later. Ollie climbed out gracefully, with Lois climbing out not so gracefully behind him. She stumbled a bit and was saved from falling on her face when Ollie grabbed her.
“Take it easy there Grace.”
“Shut up Ollie, get your damn hands off me. You try getting out of this car with a cast on.”
He took a step back and held his hands up. “Whatever you say Lois.” he said with a small smile.
Lois sent him a glare, fulminating that she was in this awkward position. The only reason she agreed to do this was because Chloe begged her to come with Oliver to see Clark. “Just don’t come near me.” she said as she stalked toward the front door.
Ollie sighed. You didn’t expect gratitude from her did you Queen? he thought, You only saved her life and Chloe’s. He followed her up the steps to the kitchen door.
“Lois, can we just get along for the time being? Clark is going to be wrecked enough without us snipping at each other.”
She knew he was right, but she wasn’t going to admit it. “I’m not planning on speaking to you any more than I have to, and I’ll be civil when I do. I wouldn’t want to upset Smallville anymore than you do. He’s like a brother to me.” If she wanted to be truthful to herself, she wasn’t looking forward to this at all. Clark believed that both she and Chloe were dead. Finding out the truth and what came along with it was going to be hard for him to bear. Chloe had been adamant about Clark being told that she was alive. There was absolutely no dissuading her, and grew very agitated when they were reluctant to agree. When they realized that she was not going to calm down until they promised her that they would tell Clark what had happened and deliver the letter that Lois now had in her purse, they relented. Chloe even in her weakened state was a force to be reckoned with.
Lois looked at Ollie and saw that he felt the same hesitance that she felt. She didn’t know that he felt it for partially different reasons though. He had a feeling that Clark was going to try and pound him into China for not coming clean earlier than this.
He locked eyes onto Lois and took a breath, “Here we go.” and knocked on the door.
Lois heard steps coming down the stairs and to the doors, which meant that Clark was the one coming to the door. He’s the only one in the house that made that kind of racket coming down the steps, she thought, the big dork. She held her breath when the door swung open.
Clark looked like he hadn’t had a nights sleep in weeks. His hair was longer than normal, and looked messy even for Clark. His blue T shirt was wrinkled like it had been slept in and had several stains on it. He wore old jeans that stretched out over his thighs to the stress points, and had holes in both knees and no shoes. But it was his face that disturbed her the most. His eyes looked listless and dull, there were bags under them and his face was so pale with a few days growth of a beard. He didn’t even remotely look like the wholesome farm boy she knew.
“Clark.” Ollie said with a nod.
Clark’s eyes had fallen to Lois when he had opened the door. His mind was obviously playing tricks on him again, but he couldn’t resist looking behind “Lois” to see if he saw anyone else. Of course not, Kent. She’s dead, they both are. he thought. He dragged his eyes to Ollie.
“Ollie. What’s going on?” Clark didn’t want him to know he was seeing things that weren’t there. His mother was worried enough about him, he didn‘t need anyone else on his case.
“Can we come in?”
We? Clark thought confused. “Yeah, sure, c’mon in.” He stepped back to let Ollie inside.
“Hi Smallville. I bet you didn’t think I would be standing on your doorstep huh?” Lois said awkwardly.
“Um, Ollie? What are you doing here?” Clark ignored Lois. Great, now I’m hearing things when other people are around.
“Hello? Earth to Clark?” Lois waved her hands in front of Clarks face. “I know I’m not you’re favorite person in the world but aren’t you going to say anything to me?”
If possible, Clark’s face got even paler. His eyes wouldn’t focus on Lois at all, and he started to fidget. He heard his mother coming down the stairs from packing to leave for Washington again.
“Oliver! What a nice surprise. What….Oh my God! LOIS?” Mrs. Kent cried as she streaked across the kitchen to embrace her former houseguest. “How is this possible, we were told you were dead!” she asked as she released Lois.
“I’m glad someone is glad to see me Mrs. Kent.” Lois replied, throwing Clark a look.
Clark stood there in shock. Lois is alive, she’s really here, this isn‘t a dream. Breaking his lethargy, he stepped forward and caught Lois in a bear hug, trying to be careful to not crush her. “I didn’t think you were real. I’m glad you’re okay.” He sobbed. “But.….Chloe….”
Lois patted him on the back, “Clark, let loose a bit will you? I can’t breath.” Clark released her from the hug, but still held onto her arms. She saw the tears in his eyes and her heart broke for him.
“I’m sorry, I….” Clark looked pleadingly into her eyes. “ Lois, is Chloe…alive too?”
“Well, that’s what we came to talk to you about Clark.” Lois said.
“Lois, please, just tell me. Is she alive?”
Lois could see the anguish in his eyes. “Yes, Clark she’s alive.”
“Oh God.” Clark sank down onto a chair. He had let go of Lois’ arms and covered his face with his hands. “Oh, thank God.” he sobbed.
Martha came over to put her arms around her son. She cradled his head into her breast as he sobbed. Her son had been through hell the last few weeks over the death of Lois and Chloe. He had blamed himself for not getting there in time to save them. By the time he got to Metropolis, he could find no clue as to where the girls were. It wasn’t until a few days later, when they received a call from Gabe, that they were told that there had been an accident. Chloe’s car had blown up and no remains of the girls had been found. A memorial service was held for both girls just a week ago. Clark had not slept or eaten in over a week. She looked at Lois and Oliver standing there, obviously quite uncomfortable with Clark’s reaction. She patted her son’s back and whispered into her son’s ear before speaking again.
“I don’t know what’s going on here, but someone had better explain why we’ve been put through this.” Martha spoke quietly with steel in her voice. It was the same tone she adopted whenever she encountered a fellow senator that assumed he (or she) could push her around since she lived on a farm in Kansas. She had seen her son devastated when Jonathan died, but she had never seen her son react like this.
Ollie shuffled his feet uncomfortably under Martha’s intense gaze. He could understand now why she was a formidable foe on Capital Hill. “There is a lot to go over, and we don’t have much time, can we sit down Mrs. Kent?” He glance at Clark and saw the young man struggle to compose himself.
Martha nodded towards the chairs. “Would either of you like something to drink?”
“I would love to have some lemonade Mrs. Kent.” Lois said, “and if you happen to have any of your fabulous chocolate chip cookies around, I wouldn’t object to those either.” She added with a grin.
Martha couldn’t help but grin at Lois. “I think I can find some for you Lois.”
Clark listened to the conversation around him, but was still in a state of shock. He dimly realized that he had just cried like a girl in front of Ollie, and Lois. He groaned inwardly, she would never let him live it down. But that was okay, because she was alive. Chloe was alive, and nothing could be better than that. He was grateful that his mother was here, and knew that by offering Lois and Ollie something to drink, that she was giving him a chance to compose himself. He took a deep breath and looked at Lois.
“Are you okay?” He looked down at her arm and noticed the cast. He reached out to lay his hand on it. Being able to reach out and touch her, made the reality of the situation begin to sink in. “Do I get to sign this?”
Lois rotated her arm so that her hand could hold Clark’s. “I’m fine, and yeah you can sign it.”
Clark grinned for the first time since she has walked through the door. “Good. I have a great Whitesnake lyric to write.” He chuckled as Lois began to blush.
“You are such a dork Smallville.”
“But at least I have better taste in music.” he teased. Which earned him a swat on the arm.
Ollie cleared his throat. “I hate to bust up this fascinating conversation, but we don’t have a lot of time.”
Lois shot him a glare, but refraining from the retort on the tip of her tongue. She had meant what she had said to him earlier. She didn’t want to upset Cark any more than he already was. Besides, although she would never admit it, Ollie was right, they were on a tight time table. She smiled her thank you at Martha when a plate of cookies appeared in front of her. She glanced at Ollie and gave him a nod. With Martha here, their story would have to have some edits in it, but Lois had prepared by Ollie the whole trip here just for this scenario.
“Chloe was suspicious of being followed and didn’t want to inadvertently put me in danger. So she decided to fill me in about her ongoing investigation of 33.1. She also told me of her kidnapping because she is possibly meteor infected and that she believed Lex was behind it.” Which explained why she had been acting so weird the last few weeks, Lois thought to herself.
“She got a lead that she might have been able to find the location that she had been taken and of course wanted to go check it out. She wanted me to know what was going on in case she didn’t come home. God, she even wanted me to have her research so that I could continue with the investigation if she got caught. Since there was no way I was letting her go alone, I tagged along. She didn’t like it, but I told her that it would be better if she had a partner to watch her back.”
She glanced down at the cookie she was crumbling with her hands. Just thinking about that day made her panic. She put the cookie down on the plate and rubbed her sweaty palms on her jeans. She forced herself to take a breath and calm down. She was safe, and so was Chloe.
“We headed out to a building down by the docks. It was easy to break in, too easy we figured out later, and started to snoop around. It wasn’t too long after we had gotten there, that Chloe started getting real jumpy. She kept saying that she felt that we were being watched. We heard footsteps and ducked into a room. A couple of goons passed by obviously looking for something or someone. We decieded that it was time to make a hasty exit and try to come back another time. We made it back to Chloe’s car, when all of a sudden this black SUV came out of nowhere and started bearing down on us. I won’t bore you with the details, but there was more than one that was chasing us, and one managed to block off the car. Chloe swerved to miss it, and the car flipped. I don’t remember much after that, I was knocked out for a few minutes. When I came to, Ollie was there with a bunch of his bodyguards.”
“I thought you were in Star City Oliver, how did you know the girls were there?” Martha asked.
Showtime, Ollie thought. “I was in town to tie up some loose ends and actually was wanting to get into contact with Chloe. She had been doing some research for me that I couldn’t trust to my own people. I have had some issues with some leaks in Queen Industries that I needed to get to the bottom of. Both Clark and Lois had said that they didn’t know anyone who could track down details like Chloe, so I had asked her if she would help me out.
“I got a call from Chloe while they were being chased. She said she couldn’t call the police, that she and Lois were in trouble and if I could come help them. Before I had a chance to ask what was going on, her phone cut out. I had my assistant track down Chloe’s car and sent my security ahead to them.”
“How did you track down Chloe’s car?” Clark asked.
Ollie looked sheepish as he answered. “I had her car lojacked when she started doing research for me. She wasn’t aware of it, and I knew she wouldn’t approve, but since she was doing some rather delicate work for me, I wanted to make sure that she was safe and keep tabs on her. She’s given me hell for it, but it was a good thing it had been done. By the time I reached where they were, my team was already getting the girls out of the car. No one else was around, and it was obvious that both girls were hurt. Lois was awake and coherent which was fortunate otherwise I would have taken them both to the hospital and there is no telling what would have happened then.
“Chloe was very badly injured. With Lois quickly explaining what had happened, there was no doubt in my mind that Lex would try to finish what his men failed to do. There were sirens in the distance and I knew there wasn’t much time. If the police became involved, Chloe and Lois would not have been safe. I took the chance and we moved Chloe and Lois to my limo. I contacted a doctor friend of mine at Metropolis General, and had him waiting for us when we got there. He examined Chloe very quickly and got her into surgery to get her stabilized. I made the arrangements to transport Chloe to a secure location as quickly as possible. She wasn’t out of surgery an hour when she was moved.”
He looked at his watch. “I’m sorry, I have to hurry. We have only a small window of time before we can be tracked.
“I had a couple of my men go by the girls’ apartment to pick up Chloe’s laptop. After hearing in more detail from Lois what they had been doing and why, I thought it best to try and collect the evidence she had for collateral.”
“Where is she?” Clark asked. Chloe was alive somewhere and he wanted, no he needed to be with her.
“I can’t tell you that right now Clark. I’m sorry, but know that she is safe and being looked after by friends.” Ollie raised his hand at the beginning of Clark’s objection, “Let me finish Clark, I think then you will understand.
“Judging what I was able to find out from Chloe’s computer and some sources that I have, it was a safe assumption that Chloe was living on borrowed time. Now that Lois was involved, she was a target too. Lois and I discussed a few things and came to the conclusion that Chloe and Lois would be better off dead. So, they are. Without ‘bodies’, we couldn’t take the chance of telling anyone that the girls were alive until after the funeral. There would be great scrutiny of the reactions of the people attending the services and everything had to be authentic. Mr. Sullivan was informed yesterday and taken to see Chloe under the guise of a trip to get away from the city and memories of his daughter. Lois was able to speak to General Lane over the phone as well. I’ll be honest Clark, the only reason why we are telling you now is that Chloe refused any more treatment until she assured you would be told.”
“Why can’t I see her?” Clark demanded.
“Because right now she needs to focus on getting well and staying alive. The people she cares about are still being watched very closely and we can’t take the chance of anyone giving anything away. I’ve risked more than I care to just telling you Clark and now that Mrs. Kent knows, I’m growing increasingly nervous. I know neither one of you would intentionally give Chloe or Lois away, but these men play for keeps. They will do anything to get the information they want. So as of now, Chloe Sullivan and Lois Lane are dead.”
“Ollie, it’s time. We have to go.” Lois said. “Chloe gave me a letter to give to you Clark.” Lois pulled the letter out of her purse and handed it to Clark. “She said that you would understand better after you read it.”
“You know I can’t accept that I can’t see her right?” Clark looked directly at Ollie.
“I know. But for her sake right now, you have to. I only brought Lois because there was a small time frame where the farm was not being watched, so that you could see she was okay. Clark, trust me, I’m doing everything in my power to keep them both safe and alive.” Ollie prayed that whatever was in the letter Chloe had written would keep Clark from trying to find her. She had assured him it would. “When it’s safe, and enough time has passed, I promise that you’ll get to see her again.”
Clark took the letter that Lois had in her hand. “So, this is goodbye?”
“For now Smallville. You won’t get rid of me that easy.” Lois flung her arms around the farm boy she had grown to love as a brother. She stood on her toes so that she could whisper in his ear, “I’ll take care of her Clark. You take care of yourself.”
“You too, Lois.” Clark whispered back, hugging her tightly to him. He released her and she turned to hug Martha.
Clark looked at him again with a glint in his eye that Ollie had never seen before. “If anything happens, you had better let me know. If anything happens and she needs me…”
“I’ll call you. Right now Clark I just need time to get them set up so that they are safe. He won’t find them.”
“Thank you Ollie. You have no idea how much I owe you.”
“You don’t owe me anything Clark. I care for them both.” He lowered his voice just so that Clark could hear. “And the boys are delighted to have her around.”
Clark’s chest ached with the thought that he wouldn’t be the one to be with her while she recovered. “How bad is she?”
“She’s healing remarkably fast. She still has a way to go, but she’s alert, eating and giving everyone around her a hard time.”
Clark smiled. “Sounds like Chlo.” He sobered quickly with the thought again that he won’t be able to see her.
Ollie looked at his watch and frowned. “We need to go, now. Clark, I’ll be in touch when I can. Mrs. Kent, thank you for the lemonade and the cookies, they were delicious.” Ollie put his hand on the middle of Lois’s back and guided her towards the door.
“See ya around Smallville. ‘Bye Mrs. Kent.” Lois said and then they were gone.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
She swam to the surface, hearing voices, voices she didn’t know, loud then fading away, becoming loud again. There was a drumming, and nothing but black all around her. But that wasn’t right, it had been early morning when they, when they what? She couldn’t remember. She heard someone calling her name, screaming it in terror. She tried to speak and say that she was right here, she was okay, stop yelling, but nothing came out. She tried to move, but her body didn’t want to respond. She could feel the cold seeping into her back, she could feel someone holding her hand. Why was she so cold? Why wouldn’t her body move? Feeling something warm trickle down her face, hearing the voice sobbing her name, begging her not to die. She wasn’t dying, was she? There was no pain, just this floating cold feeling. Then she was pulled back under into oblivion again.
She woke again, only this time there was light. So much light that it burned her eyes. She closed her eyes and tried to move her head, but couldn’t. There was pain everywhere, and it hurt to breathe. Starting to panic she whimpered and tried to struggle. She felt a hand on her brow and a soothing voice told her it was okay. She was going to be fine, that she had to be a good girl and lie still. She was still so cold, and the hand was so warm and comforting she stopped trying to struggle.
She managed to mumble, “Hurt.”
“Yes, I know sweetheart, you’ve been through a lot, but you need to sleep now dear.”
There was something she wanted to know, something she wanted to ask, but the floating feeling came back, the light faded and everything went black again.
She became aware of the smells first. Antiseptic, and a faint metallic smell that reminded her of a hospital. Gradually, sounds started to penetrate into the fog she was in. Whirring of machines, beeping, the squeak of shoes on linoleum, a disembodied voice over a loudspeaker asking for Dr. Connor to ICU stat. Hospital?she thought. Why am I in a hospital? she struggled to remember, tried to concentrate through the fuzziness that had settled in her head. She frowned and raised her hand up to her head.
“Well, it looks like somebody is awake.” a familiar voice stated.
Oliver? What is Oliver doing here?
She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. Widened in shock as she remembered what happened.
“Oh God, where’s……” her voice was rusty.
“She’s here, just down the hall.” Anticipating her next question he went on, “She’s fine. A broken arm, concussion and cuts and bruises, but alright. You got the worst of it kiddo. You scared the hell out of us.”
“Ollie, I’m….thirsty.” She croaked.
He blinked as if surprised and shook his head a bit. Of course she was thirsty. “Here, the doctors haven’t cleared you for fluids yet, but you can manage ice chips I think.” He very carefully poured some small ice chips out of a pitcher next to her bed into a cup and helped her put it them to her mouth.
The ice melting in her mouth, was so cool and soothing her throat; it felt like the best thing in the world. She cleared her throat and spoke again.
“What happened? How did you find us?” She was pleased to hear that her voice was not as scratchy as before.
“Before I left Metropolis, I had one of my men lojack the car.” He could see this information was not setting very well with her, but it was obvious that she was starting to think clearly. She was still weak, but he needed to speak to her, time was running out, so he forged ahead.
“Chloe, we need to talk. Your life depends on it.”
She swam to the surface, hearing voices, voices she didn’t know, loud then fading away, becoming loud again. There was a drumming, and nothing but black all around her. But that wasn’t right, it had been early morning when they, when they what? She couldn’t remember. She heard someone calling her name, screaming it in terror. She tried to speak and say that she was right here, she was okay, stop yelling, but nothing came out. She tried to move, but her body didn’t want to respond. She could feel the cold seeping into her back, she could feel someone holding her hand. Why was she so cold? Why wouldn’t her body move? Feeling something warm trickle down her face, hearing the voice sobbing her name, begging her not to die. She wasn’t dying, was she? There was no pain, just this floating cold feeling. Then she was pulled back under into oblivion again.
She woke again, only this time there was light. So much light that it burned her eyes. She closed her eyes and tried to move her head, but couldn’t. There was pain everywhere, and it hurt to breathe. Starting to panic she whimpered and tried to struggle. She felt a hand on her brow and a soothing voice told her it was okay. She was going to be fine, that she had to be a good girl and lie still. She was still so cold, and the hand was so warm and comforting she stopped trying to struggle.
She managed to mumble, “Hurt.”
“Yes, I know sweetheart, you’ve been through a lot, but you need to sleep now dear.”
There was something she wanted to know, something she wanted to ask, but the floating feeling came back, the light faded and everything went black again.
She became aware of the smells first. Antiseptic, and a faint metallic smell that reminded her of a hospital. Gradually, sounds started to penetrate into the fog she was in. Whirring of machines, beeping, the squeak of shoes on linoleum, a disembodied voice over a loudspeaker asking for Dr. Connor to ICU stat. Hospital?she thought. Why am I in a hospital? she struggled to remember, tried to concentrate through the fuzziness that had settled in her head. She frowned and raised her hand up to her head.
“Well, it looks like somebody is awake.” a familiar voice stated.
Oliver? What is Oliver doing here?
She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. Widened in shock as she remembered what happened.
“Oh God, where’s……” her voice was rusty.
“She’s here, just down the hall.” Anticipating her next question he went on, “She’s fine. A broken arm, concussion and cuts and bruises, but alright. You got the worst of it kiddo. You scared the hell out of us.”
“Ollie, I’m….thirsty.” She croaked.
He blinked as if surprised and shook his head a bit. Of course she was thirsty. “Here, the doctors haven’t cleared you for fluids yet, but you can manage ice chips I think.” He very carefully poured some small ice chips out of a pitcher next to her bed into a cup and helped her put it them to her mouth.
The ice melting in her mouth, was so cool and soothing her throat; it felt like the best thing in the world. She cleared her throat and spoke again.
“What happened? How did you find us?” She was pleased to hear that her voice was not as scratchy as before.
“Before I left Metropolis, I had one of my men lojack the car.” He could see this information was not setting very well with her, but it was obvious that she was starting to think clearly. She was still weak, but he needed to speak to her, time was running out, so he forged ahead.
“Chloe, we need to talk. Your life depends on it.”
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Standard disclaimers apply.
Spoilers for just about all of season 6 past and future episodes.
“Chloe you have to go faster!”
“How fast do you think a Yaris can go Lois? I’m trying!”
“They’re gaining on us Chloe. Oh God.”
Chloe pressed her foot down on the accelerator, which only went down maybe a quarter of an inch. She was pushing her car as fast as it would go, but she was afraid that it wasn’t fast enough. She saw the black SUV loom behind her, just mere inches from her bumper.
“Lois, tell me you have your seatbelt on. We’re about to get hit.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ve got it on Chlo. Turn here, HERE!”
Chloe jerked the wheel as hard as she could to the right. The car went screaming around the turn on what felt like two wheels. The SUV missed the turn, but there was no time for relief as a second SUV turned behind them.
“Damn it. There was more than one. Where the hell are we? I don’t know this part of Metropolis.”
“We’re in the red light district, I know where we are. Sort of. Go down two more blocks and turn left. That will take us back to downtown. Maybe we will be able to lose them there.” Lois glanced at her cousin. “How do you think they found out we were there?”
“I have no doubt that Lex has kept tabs on me since the kidnapping. Without his GPS device in me, he must have had me tailed. Damn, I can’t believe I didn’t notice.”
“Don’t sweat it cuz, Lex doesn’t hire amateurs. They didn’t want you to notice. Here’s the turn. Shit, there’s three of them Chloe.”
Shit indeed. Chloe thought. Keep calm, keep Lois calm. “How do you know the red light district Lois?”
“Huh? Oh, I was investigating some leads in regards to aliens who were abducting prostitutes for experimentation. Turned out to be some weirdo who would drug the girls and have his way with them so he didn’t have to pay. The drug he used was laced with trace amounts of meteor rock and made the girls hallucinate.”
“Lois are you serious? Aliens?”
“Hey, I just follow what my editor tells me to follow. It pays the bills.” Lois turned and looked out the back window. “I hate to change the subject here, but they’re gaining on us again. Fast.”
“I see them, is your cell phone working yet?”
“No, and neither is yours. I don’t think we’re going to make it to downtown Chloe. They--” Just then the car was pushed forward as the SUV behind them rammed their bumper. The car swerved while Chloe fought to keep control of the car.
“Okay, Lois, think. Is there any where along here that we can stop and try and run?”
The buildings were moving so fast. This part of town was all low rent housing and apartments. All gated and locked up for the night.
“Not that I can remember, but I was only down here a couple of times. Chloe what are we going to do? If they catch us--” The car was hit again from behind.
Chloe gritted her teeth and gripped the wheel tighter. “They’ll kill us, I know Lois. I don’t know what we’re going to do.” Chloe lowered her voice to barely a whisper, “Clark, help me, I need you.” She prayed that he would hear her, but he was so far away, in Greenland of all places hunting down a Zoner, she held out little hope that even he would get there in time.
“I’m so sorry Lois, I didn’t mean to get you into this.”
Lois shot her younger cousin a lethal stare. “Don’t you dare start that shit with me. There was no way I was letting you do this alone. The Lane-Sullivan’s stick together no matter what.”
“Sullivan-Lane you mean.”
Lois snorted. “Whatever. You always want…Chloe LOOK OUT!” she screamed.
It happened in slow motion, just like the movies. Another SUV had turned the corner in front of them to block them off. Chloe swung the wheel around, crossed over into the opposite lane and swerved around the other car, missing it by a breath. But instead of straightening out, Chloe’s car started to skid out of control, where it hit the curb and by some weird twist of fate, started to flip.
Oh God, Chloe thought as her car flipped once, twice, by the third time, she had lost consciousness listening to her cousin scream.
Spoilers for just about all of season 6 past and future episodes.
“Chloe you have to go faster!”
“How fast do you think a Yaris can go Lois? I’m trying!”
“They’re gaining on us Chloe. Oh God.”
Chloe pressed her foot down on the accelerator, which only went down maybe a quarter of an inch. She was pushing her car as fast as it would go, but she was afraid that it wasn’t fast enough. She saw the black SUV loom behind her, just mere inches from her bumper.
“Lois, tell me you have your seatbelt on. We’re about to get hit.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ve got it on Chlo. Turn here, HERE!”
Chloe jerked the wheel as hard as she could to the right. The car went screaming around the turn on what felt like two wheels. The SUV missed the turn, but there was no time for relief as a second SUV turned behind them.
“Damn it. There was more than one. Where the hell are we? I don’t know this part of Metropolis.”
“We’re in the red light district, I know where we are. Sort of. Go down two more blocks and turn left. That will take us back to downtown. Maybe we will be able to lose them there.” Lois glanced at her cousin. “How do you think they found out we were there?”
“I have no doubt that Lex has kept tabs on me since the kidnapping. Without his GPS device in me, he must have had me tailed. Damn, I can’t believe I didn’t notice.”
“Don’t sweat it cuz, Lex doesn’t hire amateurs. They didn’t want you to notice. Here’s the turn. Shit, there’s three of them Chloe.”
Shit indeed. Chloe thought. Keep calm, keep Lois calm. “How do you know the red light district Lois?”
“Huh? Oh, I was investigating some leads in regards to aliens who were abducting prostitutes for experimentation. Turned out to be some weirdo who would drug the girls and have his way with them so he didn’t have to pay. The drug he used was laced with trace amounts of meteor rock and made the girls hallucinate.”
“Lois are you serious? Aliens?”
“Hey, I just follow what my editor tells me to follow. It pays the bills.” Lois turned and looked out the back window. “I hate to change the subject here, but they’re gaining on us again. Fast.”
“I see them, is your cell phone working yet?”
“No, and neither is yours. I don’t think we’re going to make it to downtown Chloe. They--” Just then the car was pushed forward as the SUV behind them rammed their bumper. The car swerved while Chloe fought to keep control of the car.
“Okay, Lois, think. Is there any where along here that we can stop and try and run?”
The buildings were moving so fast. This part of town was all low rent housing and apartments. All gated and locked up for the night.
“Not that I can remember, but I was only down here a couple of times. Chloe what are we going to do? If they catch us--” The car was hit again from behind.
Chloe gritted her teeth and gripped the wheel tighter. “They’ll kill us, I know Lois. I don’t know what we’re going to do.” Chloe lowered her voice to barely a whisper, “Clark, help me, I need you.” She prayed that he would hear her, but he was so far away, in Greenland of all places hunting down a Zoner, she held out little hope that even he would get there in time.
“I’m so sorry Lois, I didn’t mean to get you into this.”
Lois shot her younger cousin a lethal stare. “Don’t you dare start that shit with me. There was no way I was letting you do this alone. The Lane-Sullivan’s stick together no matter what.”
“Sullivan-Lane you mean.”
Lois snorted. “Whatever. You always want…Chloe LOOK OUT!” she screamed.
It happened in slow motion, just like the movies. Another SUV had turned the corner in front of them to block them off. Chloe swung the wheel around, crossed over into the opposite lane and swerved around the other car, missing it by a breath. But instead of straightening out, Chloe’s car started to skid out of control, where it hit the curb and by some weird twist of fate, started to flip.
Oh God, Chloe thought as her car flipped once, twice, by the third time, she had lost consciousness listening to her cousin scream.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
End of a Dream

Title: End of a Dream
Author: Shansgrl
Spoilers: “Promise” Most of season 6
Characters: Clark, Lana, Chloe
Rating: G
Summary: Clark watches his childhood dream end……
Clark stood in the hallway of the church listening to the organ playing the wedding march. The song that would mean that Lana Lang, his first love, was about to be married to another man. Clark couldn’t bear to watch, which is why he was in the hallway, emotions swirling inside.
Lana had left the farm no less than forty five minutes ago, which had made her late for own wedding. She had come to him, in her wedding gown, to beg Clark one last time to confide in her.
“I still love you Clark. We can be together, there is still time for me to call off the wedding, but only if you can trust me and tell me what your secret is.”
She had looked beautiful in her white gown, almost ethereal, and so innocent. It was a perfect guise to tempt him into revealing his secret to her. He had no idea if she was being truthful, which had always been so important to her and a trait she demanded from those around her, or being deceitful. He remembered the words that Lionel had said to him a few days before.
Lionel had stopped by the farm to see Martha. He had pulled Clark aside and warned him that Lana may come to him.
“Clark, I know that the wedding may be difficult for you, but I’m afraid I need to tell you something that may be hard for you. Now, what I’m about to tell you is just a theory, but I know my son, Clark, so I think that this bears listening to. I will not tell you how I know these things, there is only so much dirty laundry I’m willing to air.
This marriage between Miss Lang and my son may be one of convenience, rather than one that is based on love. Lex does not know that I am aware of Miss Lang’s pregnancy, but I feel that this is only a part of the reason that they are getting married. I see by the look on your face, you are also aware of this pregnancy. Lex has always been competitive, and like his father, hates to lose. That coupled with the fact that he has developed this unnatural obsession with meteor infected people, which he thinks also includes you, has led him to this marriage. I do not know if Lex has feelings for Miss Lang, she is a beautiful young woman, but he knows that you do Clark and is willing to use that to get to you. I believe that she just may be a means to an end.
I have no doubt that Miss Lang is working with Lex to confirm if you are a meteor infected or not. She is not the innocent young lady that everyone seems to think. People who align themselves closely to Lex, as she has, tend to lose their moral values very quickly. Clark, I feel that I need to warn you that she may approach you before the wedding, to try and find out the truth about you. You must not tell her anything Clark, absolutely nothing. You’re very life may depend on this.”
Clark remembered these words, standing there looking at the woman who at one time, he believed was everything to him. He wanted to believe that she was offering him the dream he always wanted, a life with her without all the secrets he had to keep. He found himself opening his mouth to tell her everything, to save her from marrying Lex, to finally have what he wanted.
But when he spoke, the words were not what he intended to say.
“I’m sorry Lana, I have nothing to tell you.”
He watched the emotions that swam in her eyes. Fury, hurt, and then finally the glacier stare. The fury gave him pause, but when her eyes went as cold as ice, he knew that Lionel was right, Lana was working with Lex and he had taught her well.
She said nothing else, just turned and got back into her limo and drove off.
He sped into the house, showered and put on his suit. He decided to go to the wedding, maybe Chloe was right. It would prove that he had let go of Lana. Even if had not done so before today. He waited about fifteen minutes after he was dressed before he sped to the church.
So there he stood in the hallway of the church listening to the music as Lana walked down the aisle. Too afraid, too weak to walk in and sit in one of the pews and watch her get married he thought. But because he always seemed to torture himself, he peeked around the corner to look.
He saw Lana and Lex, facing each other saying their vows. He expected hurt, but not because he was losing Lana. He wasn’t sure he ever really had her, or even really knew her. He hurt because he knew she was making a mistake, and because he knew she would have betrayed him. He ducked back behind the corner into the hallway.
Sadness came on the heels of anger with the thought of Lana betraying him. Lex as well for that matter. They both had been such an important part of his life, his dream and his best friend. It seemed that he was destined to be alone.
He heard the minister pronounce them as “Mr. and Mrs. Lex Luthor” and peeked around the corner again. He focused on their faces, both of them smiling and gazing at each other. A movement just to Lana’s right caught his eye. It was Chloe adjusting Lana’s train.
Chloe, who looked beautiful in her lavender gown and her golden hair piled up on her head. She looked up then, straight at him as if she had known he was there.
“Hi.” He heard her whisper so no one would hear. He smiled at her.
“I’ll be done in five minutes…wait there okay?”
Everything faded away for a few seconds. Their eyes locked onto each other, and he didn’t realize that he had moved out from the hallway and sat down into a pew. He nodded.
She gave him one of her dazzling smiles and walked out behind Lex and Lana.
People were filing out of the church. Then all of a sudden, Chloe was there with her hand on his shoulder.
“You made it.”
“Yeah. I…it’s, I mean.” Clark stopped and took a breath. “She’s gone, and I’m okay with it.” He looked up at Chloe.
She sat down and took his hand. “Are you sure Clark? You told me just a few weeks ago you still loved her.”
He looked down at their hand entwined and felt comforted. He looked back up at Chloe. “I’ll always love Lana. She was my first love, my dream, but there was never any future for us. I realized that today when she came out to the farm to try and convince me to give her the truth.” He gave out a short bitter laugh. “She told me she was still in love with me. But when I wouldn’t tell her, she changed. I knew then, she never would have been able to handle my secret, let alone keep it.”
Chloe squeezed his hand. “I’m so sorry Clark. You’ll find someone, someday who will be all that you need and all you deserve.”
Clark smiled. “Don’t you have to take pictures or something?”
Chloe rolled her eyes. “They took a ton before the wedding, but I do have to get to the mansion for the reception.” She gave him a small smile. “Are you coming to the reception?”
“I don’t know Chloe, it might be awkward.”
“Tell me about it. I’m sitting next to Lionel. C’mon, be a boy scout and come for me. Please? We can be awkward together.” She gave him her best puppy eye look.
Clark laughed. “Okay, but you had better save a dance for me.”
Chloe stood up when she heard Nell call her name. “You can have all the dances you want. As long as you don’t step on my feet farm boy and that you don’t go running off to save some damsel in distress.” She gave his hand one last squeeze and walked away.
He was still smiling as he watched her leave. Part of becoming an adult was having childhood dreams change and evolve.
Maybe his dream was just beginning.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
What would have been

Title: What would have been
Author: shansgrl
Rating: PG (for a little cursing)
Author note: I wrote this for an off world challenge at the LJ community SG500 (I think), but never posted it. I wasn’t happy with it, and still not sure if I am. But here it is.
Summary: Daniel’s life began when he came to the Stargate….
He often wondered what his life would have been like if he hadn’t joined the Stargate program.
It’s funny how he could compartmentalize his life into two categories. Before and after he joined SGC.
Before the program he was very much a loner, but it wasn’t always by choice. His intelligence had often set him apart, not only from his childhood schoolmates, but also his contemporaries as an adult. He was painfully shy and awkward around everyone. He imagined this stemmed from ever forming lasting bonds to his foster families. He fit the typical description of “nerd” and “geek” very well physically because of the glasses he wore, and was tall and gangly. He never really minded being labeled as a nerd, though. People left him alone, and when they didn’t, he sometimes was able to escape the situation and sometimes he didn‘t. As a child, he always got beat up more than some of the other unpopular kids at school. He was an easy mark, because he never could run fast enough, he had no friends that would stick up for him, and his foster parents never really cared enough to follow up with the schools or any with any of the other kids‘ parents. As an adult, whenever he was confronted, he just walked away. The one time he did stand up for himself, took the chance, because he knew he was right, and had been laughed at by his colleagues. Ironically it was that moment that brought him to the Stargate. Most of the time though, people in the present just didn‘t interest him, with the exception of a few. It was always the past that drew him, that kept him company. He never even knew he was lonely until he worked on the Stargate. And if he wanted to be absolutely truthful with himself, he never met anyone he wanted to be around until the Stargate program. Until the day Catherine Langford came to him, he had no idea who Daniel Jackson really was. It was that day he started on his journey of discovering himself, and started to live.
His intelligence still set him apart, but instead of being ostracized, he was respected for it.
He was still shy, but no longer awkward. His bonds with Sha’re, Jack, Sam, Teal’c and the ones now forming with Cameron and Vala continue to help him overcome awkwardness. If a macho hardass like Jack O’Neill can think of him as family, then there could be no person or being in this galaxy he could feel awkward with.
People could still mistake him for a nerd; he still wore the glasses and he was still tall. But underneath his baggy khakis and sweaters, his body was trim and strong. Now, if needed, he could and would defend himself. No more escaping; by standing up for himself, it gave him a sense of self. But he would never admit that, especially to Jack.
Yes, he wondered what his life would have if the Stargate had not found him. But he knew that without it, Daniel Jackson would never have lived.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Chapter 19
Clark was not the only one who wound up helping Gabe and Chloe. Martha and Jonathan insisted on helping. Chloe was grateful for the help, but could not help being angry at the situation. Once again, her life was being uprooted and turned upside down because of this psycho. An everyday garden variety psycho, which she couldn’t even blame it on the meteors.
She looked around the room that Lex had chosen for her. It was, as everything Lex has, beautiful. There was a wall that held the French doors that led out to a balcony overlooking the gardens, with the remainder of the wall taken up with windows allowing the afternoon light pour into the room. The bed was the biggest bed she had ever seen, a princess bed she thought when she first saw it. The canopy was covered in dark red velvet that was pulled back on the sides with gold roping with little tassels on the ends. The comforter on the bed was also the same color as the canopy, inlaid with intricate designs in gold. There were a least five oversized pillows with several more decorative pillows in front of them. Chloe figured it will take her at least five minutes to clear them all off when she went to bed.
There was a large armoire on the wall directly across from the windows that was currently holding the clothes that she had brought with her. She had had a brief internal battle with herself about the amount of clothes, shoes, and things that she deemed essential to her survival, afraid that she would not have enough room to put everything. She laughed now, looking at the armoire that not only held all the clothing and shoes she brought, but had enough room to hide Clark as well. Hmmm, she thought, I wouldn’t mind finding him there either. She grinned at the image.
Chloe imagined that Lex choose this room for her, not because of these things, but because of the large antique desk that was on the wall facing the bed. There was a large plasma TV mounted on the wall above it, where she could watch it either sitting at the desk, or while she was in bed. But the desk was the focal point of the room. It was made of mahogany she thought, with thick legs with detailed carvings that had stood the test of time. There was a cabinet and deep drawers with wonderful brass fittings that were polished to a gleam. There was a desk blotter, a desk blotter for goodness sake, and a pen holders like at the banks, but she was pretty sure it was more like the one on the President‘s desk. She ran her hand along the top of the desk. It was polished to a glass-like sheen; she could actually see her reflection. Her beloved laptop sat in the middle of the desk, booted up and ready to go. It looked so out of place on the desk, yet it seemed to look just right at the same time. She chuckled because that made no sense at all, yet it did.
Lex had told her that if there was anything she needed, all she had to do was let him know. She felt like she was a guest staying in a 5 star hotel, but she didn’t think that she should be receiving the royalty treatment. A lot of people were having to rearrange their lives because of her, and she felt so guilty about it. That was one of the things that she had to work on. These feelings of guilt, that everything that had happened and still happening was her fault. Her mind knew that it wasn’t, but apparently her heart hadn’t gotten that particular memo. She had called her therapist after she had kicked Clark out once she had been settled. She needed to talk things out, and Dr. Shapiro had told her to call whenever she needed to. They had talked for about forty five minutes and Chloe felt better for it. Well, except for the guilt, but the doctor said that was a normal reaction that would go away in time. The fear had dwindled, even in light of what was going on, because she knew that she was safe in Smallville. She flopped on the bed and pondered on what had transpired in her life in the last twenty four hours.
She had to admit, when she saw the flowers that were delivered yesterday, she was terrified. I can’t believe it was only yesterday she thought. It seemed that it was a lifetime ago, when she realized that something was off. She wants to beat herself up for not seeing it earlier, for missing the subtle signs, but she can’t. She won’t. What’s done is done, and if this happens to be the one time her reporter’s instincts didn’t kick it, so be it. She’s going to give herself a pass on this one.
She glanced over to the overstuffed armchair that was sitting by the windows when her cell phone rang. The chair, while looking very comfortable, was currently holding her purse and her bag. She rolled over and climbed out of the bed to reach for her purse.
“So, you’re going to play this game now huh? You coward. You want me, fine, you leave my family out it you sick bastard.”
“Bitch.” She heard nothing further and had no chance to reply as he had disconnected the phone.
Shit, she thought as she stared at her phone. How the hell did he get my number? She dug through her purse for the business card the detective had given to her earlier. She called detective James and told him what had happened. As she was talking to him, she wound her way from her room to Lex’s study where she figured he would be. He was sitting behind his desk, on the phone, with his eyes closed and his hand grasping one of the blue bottles of water he loved so much. He looked like he was having about as a good of conversation as she just had with Ryan.
She hung up with the detective as she entered the study, promising to call back if Ryan called her again. The detective had told her that they would try and trace the call, but with the new dawn of cell phones, it was quite difficult to do. She knew who to go to for that particular thing to be accomplished.
Lex had heard Chloe come in while she was hanging up the phone. He quickly got off the phone with a mental note to look for a new security adviser if his current one didn’t start getting things done. He just wasn’t real happy with his performance and his excuses. He would call Bruce in a while to see who he used and if he had any recommendations. Right now, it looked like he needed to take care of Chloe.
“Settled in?” he asked.
“Yes, the room is beautiful Lex. The desk is incredible.”
Lex smiled. “I thought you might appreciate that. Gabe left for the Talon a little while ago. He got a little lost and couldn’t find your room, so he asked me to let you know.”
Sounds like dad, she thought. “Well, you did put us a little far apart. Um, Lex, I need to tell you something.”
Lex stood up and walked around the desk. He had a feeling that this was not good. For all her calm outward appearance, he could tell by her eyes that something had happened to upset her. “What happened?”
“I got a phone call from Ryan on my cell.”
Lex would have been amused to know that his first thought was the same as Chloe’s. Shit. He hesitated before moving back behind his desk. “Are you okay?”
“A little shaky and pissed off, but yeah I’m okay.”
Lex looked at her for a few seconds as if to size her up. Seeing if I’m lying to him, she thought. He seemed to believe her, because he continued to move back behind his desk.
He grabbed a pad of paper and started firing questions off at her.
“How long did the call last? What did he say? Have you called the police? I’m assuming that the call came through as restricted?”
“Ever consider a career in law enforcement Lex?” Chloe smiled at the look Lex shot at her. “Call lasted maybe a minute, probably less. He didn’t say anything at first, there was silence, but I knew it was him and mouthed off at him. He called me a bitch and hung up the phone. The call did come up restricted, but, God Lex, I never thought it would be him.”
Lex paused taking his notes. He looked up and saw Chloe look so lost. He got back up and walked around the desk again to her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her to him for a hug. “It’s going to be okay Chloe. I promise. Nothing is going to happen to you, to your dad, to anyone, I swear it.”
Chloe leaned into Lex’s chest, took a deep breath and tried to calm down. “I know Lex. I did call Detective James, he said that he would try and get the call traced, but not sure that he could since it came in on my cell.”
He pulled back from Chloe and looked at her. “I can assure you that the call will be traced. If not, then any future calls will be.”
“I knew to come to you. You may want to contact the detective though and let him know.”
“I will. Now, I need to get started on this, make some calls. Why don’t you call your dad and let him know?”
Chloe’s eyes grew big with panic. “Dad’s went to Talon right? What if ...”
“He has no less than four bodyguards with him.”
“Oh. Of course he does.” she said sheepishly. “I should probably call Clark too. And Pete ...”
“Why don’t you invite them over tonight? That way everyone can be updated on everything so far and what I find today.” Lex suggested. He had another motivation for this, but thought it wise not to let Chloe know.
He could see that Chloe and Clark had finally turned a pivotal corner in their relationship. Considering what Chloe had been through and what was currently going on, Lex was worried that the budding romance may crumble under the weight. He knew that if Clark had finally come to realize what he had with Chloe, that he would be up to anything and everything that came their way.
Chloe on the other hand, was going to have trust issues for a while. Not only with men in general, but also with Clark. Time and time again the slow farmboy had hurt her, and Lex knew that Chloe, despite how much she loved Clark, would be slow to trust his feelings for her. When it came to men, Chloe always seemed to have a low opinion of herself. Clark is going to have his work cut out for him, and Lex was willing to help wherever he could.
“Lex you’re doing so much for me, I feel that I’m putting you out.” Chloe bit the bottom of her lip.
“Luthor’s don’t do anything that they don’t want to Chloe. You are not putting me out. It gives the staff something to do. I feel that I’m paying them large amounts of money to do nothing. They need to earn their keep or I’ll have to let them go. Think of it as saving jobs.”
Chloe snorted out a laugh. “Well, then. Since you put it that way.” She started to turn away to leave the room, but stopped. “Lex, I really can’t thank you enough for what you are doing for me.”
“I take care of my family Chloe.”
She looked at him and smiled. “I know.”
She looked around the room that Lex had chosen for her. It was, as everything Lex has, beautiful. There was a wall that held the French doors that led out to a balcony overlooking the gardens, with the remainder of the wall taken up with windows allowing the afternoon light pour into the room. The bed was the biggest bed she had ever seen, a princess bed she thought when she first saw it. The canopy was covered in dark red velvet that was pulled back on the sides with gold roping with little tassels on the ends. The comforter on the bed was also the same color as the canopy, inlaid with intricate designs in gold. There were a least five oversized pillows with several more decorative pillows in front of them. Chloe figured it will take her at least five minutes to clear them all off when she went to bed.
There was a large armoire on the wall directly across from the windows that was currently holding the clothes that she had brought with her. She had had a brief internal battle with herself about the amount of clothes, shoes, and things that she deemed essential to her survival, afraid that she would not have enough room to put everything. She laughed now, looking at the armoire that not only held all the clothing and shoes she brought, but had enough room to hide Clark as well. Hmmm, she thought, I wouldn’t mind finding him there either. She grinned at the image.
Chloe imagined that Lex choose this room for her, not because of these things, but because of the large antique desk that was on the wall facing the bed. There was a large plasma TV mounted on the wall above it, where she could watch it either sitting at the desk, or while she was in bed. But the desk was the focal point of the room. It was made of mahogany she thought, with thick legs with detailed carvings that had stood the test of time. There was a cabinet and deep drawers with wonderful brass fittings that were polished to a gleam. There was a desk blotter, a desk blotter for goodness sake, and a pen holders like at the banks, but she was pretty sure it was more like the one on the President‘s desk. She ran her hand along the top of the desk. It was polished to a glass-like sheen; she could actually see her reflection. Her beloved laptop sat in the middle of the desk, booted up and ready to go. It looked so out of place on the desk, yet it seemed to look just right at the same time. She chuckled because that made no sense at all, yet it did.
Lex had told her that if there was anything she needed, all she had to do was let him know. She felt like she was a guest staying in a 5 star hotel, but she didn’t think that she should be receiving the royalty treatment. A lot of people were having to rearrange their lives because of her, and she felt so guilty about it. That was one of the things that she had to work on. These feelings of guilt, that everything that had happened and still happening was her fault. Her mind knew that it wasn’t, but apparently her heart hadn’t gotten that particular memo. She had called her therapist after she had kicked Clark out once she had been settled. She needed to talk things out, and Dr. Shapiro had told her to call whenever she needed to. They had talked for about forty five minutes and Chloe felt better for it. Well, except for the guilt, but the doctor said that was a normal reaction that would go away in time. The fear had dwindled, even in light of what was going on, because she knew that she was safe in Smallville. She flopped on the bed and pondered on what had transpired in her life in the last twenty four hours.
She had to admit, when she saw the flowers that were delivered yesterday, she was terrified. I can’t believe it was only yesterday she thought. It seemed that it was a lifetime ago, when she realized that something was off. She wants to beat herself up for not seeing it earlier, for missing the subtle signs, but she can’t. She won’t. What’s done is done, and if this happens to be the one time her reporter’s instincts didn’t kick it, so be it. She’s going to give herself a pass on this one.
She glanced over to the overstuffed armchair that was sitting by the windows when her cell phone rang. The chair, while looking very comfortable, was currently holding her purse and her bag. She rolled over and climbed out of the bed to reach for her purse.
“So, you’re going to play this game now huh? You coward. You want me, fine, you leave my family out it you sick bastard.”
“Bitch.” She heard nothing further and had no chance to reply as he had disconnected the phone.
Shit, she thought as she stared at her phone. How the hell did he get my number? She dug through her purse for the business card the detective had given to her earlier. She called detective James and told him what had happened. As she was talking to him, she wound her way from her room to Lex’s study where she figured he would be. He was sitting behind his desk, on the phone, with his eyes closed and his hand grasping one of the blue bottles of water he loved so much. He looked like he was having about as a good of conversation as she just had with Ryan.
She hung up with the detective as she entered the study, promising to call back if Ryan called her again. The detective had told her that they would try and trace the call, but with the new dawn of cell phones, it was quite difficult to do. She knew who to go to for that particular thing to be accomplished.
Lex had heard Chloe come in while she was hanging up the phone. He quickly got off the phone with a mental note to look for a new security adviser if his current one didn’t start getting things done. He just wasn’t real happy with his performance and his excuses. He would call Bruce in a while to see who he used and if he had any recommendations. Right now, it looked like he needed to take care of Chloe.
“Settled in?” he asked.
“Yes, the room is beautiful Lex. The desk is incredible.”
Lex smiled. “I thought you might appreciate that. Gabe left for the Talon a little while ago. He got a little lost and couldn’t find your room, so he asked me to let you know.”
Sounds like dad, she thought. “Well, you did put us a little far apart. Um, Lex, I need to tell you something.”
Lex stood up and walked around the desk. He had a feeling that this was not good. For all her calm outward appearance, he could tell by her eyes that something had happened to upset her. “What happened?”
“I got a phone call from Ryan on my cell.”
Lex would have been amused to know that his first thought was the same as Chloe’s. Shit. He hesitated before moving back behind his desk. “Are you okay?”
“A little shaky and pissed off, but yeah I’m okay.”
Lex looked at her for a few seconds as if to size her up. Seeing if I’m lying to him, she thought. He seemed to believe her, because he continued to move back behind his desk.
He grabbed a pad of paper and started firing questions off at her.
“How long did the call last? What did he say? Have you called the police? I’m assuming that the call came through as restricted?”
“Ever consider a career in law enforcement Lex?” Chloe smiled at the look Lex shot at her. “Call lasted maybe a minute, probably less. He didn’t say anything at first, there was silence, but I knew it was him and mouthed off at him. He called me a bitch and hung up the phone. The call did come up restricted, but, God Lex, I never thought it would be him.”
Lex paused taking his notes. He looked up and saw Chloe look so lost. He got back up and walked around the desk again to her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her to him for a hug. “It’s going to be okay Chloe. I promise. Nothing is going to happen to you, to your dad, to anyone, I swear it.”
Chloe leaned into Lex’s chest, took a deep breath and tried to calm down. “I know Lex. I did call Detective James, he said that he would try and get the call traced, but not sure that he could since it came in on my cell.”
He pulled back from Chloe and looked at her. “I can assure you that the call will be traced. If not, then any future calls will be.”
“I knew to come to you. You may want to contact the detective though and let him know.”
“I will. Now, I need to get started on this, make some calls. Why don’t you call your dad and let him know?”
Chloe’s eyes grew big with panic. “Dad’s went to Talon right? What if ...”
“He has no less than four bodyguards with him.”
“Oh. Of course he does.” she said sheepishly. “I should probably call Clark too. And Pete ...”
“Why don’t you invite them over tonight? That way everyone can be updated on everything so far and what I find today.” Lex suggested. He had another motivation for this, but thought it wise not to let Chloe know.
He could see that Chloe and Clark had finally turned a pivotal corner in their relationship. Considering what Chloe had been through and what was currently going on, Lex was worried that the budding romance may crumble under the weight. He knew that if Clark had finally come to realize what he had with Chloe, that he would be up to anything and everything that came their way.
Chloe on the other hand, was going to have trust issues for a while. Not only with men in general, but also with Clark. Time and time again the slow farmboy had hurt her, and Lex knew that Chloe, despite how much she loved Clark, would be slow to trust his feelings for her. When it came to men, Chloe always seemed to have a low opinion of herself. Clark is going to have his work cut out for him, and Lex was willing to help wherever he could.
“Lex you’re doing so much for me, I feel that I’m putting you out.” Chloe bit the bottom of her lip.
“Luthor’s don’t do anything that they don’t want to Chloe. You are not putting me out. It gives the staff something to do. I feel that I’m paying them large amounts of money to do nothing. They need to earn their keep or I’ll have to let them go. Think of it as saving jobs.”
Chloe snorted out a laugh. “Well, then. Since you put it that way.” She started to turn away to leave the room, but stopped. “Lex, I really can’t thank you enough for what you are doing for me.”
“I take care of my family Chloe.”
She looked at him and smiled. “I know.”
Chapter 18
Martha had started preparing for dinner. She wanted, no, needed something to do. The girl whom she had always thought of as a daughter was telling her son about the horrible twist of fate that had eventually brought her home. Being a parent, she understood and felt Gabe’s pain. As a woman she understood and felt Chloe’s as well. She could only pray that Clark would understand it too.
Jonathan Kent stood in the doorway of his kitchen, unsure of what to do. After Clark had sped for the house, he finished putting in the post his son has started. He stood and stared at his house for minutes before he, with a resigned sigh, packed up his tools in his truck and drove back. The fence needed to be finished, but it wouldn’t be today. His family needed to be together, and his family included Chloe.
He walked up behind Martha and put his arms around her waist. He knew a quiet war raged within her and knew that working in the kitchen was her outlet. He imagined that the house would be sparkling from top to bottom by the end of the day.
Martha leaned back against her husbands’ chest, grateful for his strength. No words were spoken, but their bond was strong and no words were needed.
They both looked out the window at the sound of cars approaching the house. The lead car they had not seen before, however, the second car was Gabe Sullivan’s. Both cars stopped and two gentleman got out of the first car and Gabe climbed out of his. Martha and Jonathan moved almost as one to meet them at the door.
“Good morning Gabe.” Martha said, “Is everything ok?”
“Is Chloe here?” Gabe asked.
“She’s upstairs with Clark. What’s going on Gabe?” Jonathan asked.
“Mr. and Mrs. Kent? I’m detective Collins and this is detective James from the Gotham police department. We need to speak with Miss. Sullivan.”
Jonathan had been looking at Gabe when the gentleman spoke. What he saw his face did not ease his sense of foreboding. “Gabe?”
“Can you get Chloe? She’s not in any trouble. Or at least not in the way you might think.”
Martha started toward the stairs, but stopped when she saw her son and Chloe come down the stairs. Her heart broke a little when she saw Chloe had been crying. Clark had a fierce determination on his face that she recognized all too well. She didn’t know what the detectives wanted, but they were obviously going to have to go through Clark too.
Clark felt the tension come off of Chloe in waves as they both spotted the men with Gabe. Chloe stopped abruptly at the bottom of the stairs, and Clark almost knocked her over. He put his hands on her waist to steady her and felt her body vibrate.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Gotham’s finest.” Chloe sneered, her eyes flashing bright with anger. “If you’ve come to try and discredit me some more, you’ve come to the wrong place. Smallville may not have a large police force, but at least they’re not owned by anyone. You’re in my hometown no gentleman and if you think that I can be swept under the rug or intimidated here, you are seriously mistaken. I know people here that make those bastards in Gotham look like poor country folk. I was kowtowed in Gotham, to my endless shame, but not here and not ever again.”
The room was dead silent. Gabe almost wept as he finally saw his little girl become the fireball she once had been. She had taken a step away from Clark during her tirade and her fisted hands were on her hips. She may be petite, but she looked like an Amazon warrior ready for battle. Her eyes blazed with a fury he had never seen before and her face was flushed with anger. This, this was the Chloe he raised, and yet she was something more.
She had no idea why the Gotham PD was in Smallville. She was scared, but she had Clark, the Kents, her family, so matter what they were there for, she knew nothing would happen. They were on her turf now, and Chloe now felt that she was in control of her life for the first time in a long time.
As she waited for the detectives to respond to her outburst, she watched them. The taller one, detective Collins, showed no emotion on his face, but the other one--- James, was distinctly uncomfortable. These were the two that “supposedly” took her report at the hospital.
Collins finally broke the silence. “Miss Sullivan, I don’t know if you remember us—“
“Oh, I remember, but I’m surprised that you do, with no record of my report and all.” Chloe’s snark was in full force.
A muscle twitched in his jaw. “ Well, since you remember, there’s no need to introduce ourselves. Is there somewhere that we can go and talk in private?”
“Why? Anything you Keystone Cops have to say to me can be said in front of my family.” She felt rather than heard Clark move behind her in one of his classic protective gestures.
“Chlo- honey, hear them out ok?” Gabe interjected. The look that passed between them told her that she needed to pull back just a bit.
Chloe sighed and looked back at the police. “What do you want? What else can I possible have done to warrant this visit?”
Detective James answered her question. “Miss Sullivan, you’ve done nothing wrong.” He exchanged a glance with his partner. “Some things have come to light recently and we believe your life may be in danger. May we have a seat?”
Martha’s hostess instincts kicked in. “Please, have a seat at the kitchen table. I’ll make us some fresh coffee.” As she crossed the room to enter the kitchen, she met her son’s gaze. She saw the determined look that was in his eyes and matched with her own. No one was going to hurt Chloe again, both her and Gabe were a part of the Kent family, and that afforded all the love, faith, and protection they had.
As the group moved toward the kitchen, introductions were made with Clark. Chloe just stared at Clark as he introduced himself as her boyfriend. As their gazes met, Clark’s eyes became warm and a twinkle was evident when he looked at her. Looking at her like that made her feel as if they were the only two in the room. The moment was broken when Jonathan spoke.
“How exactly is Chloe’s life in danger?”
“Well, Miss Sullivan, have you noticed anything strange happen in the last few days?” James asked.
Chloe picked at the muffin that Martha had placed in front of her. She didn’t trust these two men and didn’t know how she should answer the question. She glanced at her dad and saw him nod at her. ‘Well, if he trusts them, I don’t have a choice.’ She took a breath. “Yes, I’ve received some flowers twice that had no card to them. No one I know had sent the flowers to me, so I contacted the florist who delivered them, and since they received the order via the internet, they couldn’t tell me who ordered them. The credit card was a one time use card and I haven’t been able to track it.” Chloe stopped. Even though these guys had screwed up before, they were still cops and giving any cop any indication of her hacking skills was NOT a good idea. No matter how incompetent they are. “I also have an unshakable feeling of being watched though.” She added a bit lamely. “Why?”
Collins took a breath. This girl had caused a house of cards to fall in Gotham. He had been forced to “lose” her report as well as many others. It had never set well with him, but he had a family, and it was made very clear to him that he was to play ball. Now everything had gone to hell and he may lose his job anyway. “Miss Sullivan there has been a murder of a young woman. Our suspect is Ryan Cane, the young man whom you accused of attacking you.” He raised his hand as he saw Chloe open her mouth to speak. “Please, let me finish. Upon searching his apartment we have come to the conclusion that Cane may be coming to Smallville to find you.”
“Miss Sullivan,” James interjected, “we are about to tell you information that is not to be released to the public. Because of what happened to you this past spring and what we have since found, we find it necessary to warn you and help in any way we can.” He leaned over the table and looked directly into her eyes. “Chloe, I am truly sorry about what happened. If I could go back and change things, I would. You need to know that there are several of us who regret the way things have gone. I need you to understand that for many of us, we had to play the game otherwise we had no way to support ourselves and our families. I’m not using this as an excuse, because frankly this whole thing is inexcusable, but I feel compelled to tell you this. Because you need to trust us now, and I know we have not given you a reason to.” He leaned back in his chair. “We found pictures of you Chloe, hundreds of them. It looks like he had been following you for quite some time in Gotham. There were articles you had written for the Torch, and a diary of sorts that he had kept. A diary that detailed what happened to you, as well as several others. The most disturbing evidence we found in the diary indicates that he had been following you after your attack and even to Smallville. He has become fixated on you and sees you as someone who needs to be punished, someone who has defied him. He is very descriptive as to what he plans to do if he succeeds in getting to you.”
“What do you mean by Chloe is someone who has defied him?” Jonathan asked. He imagined that Gabe already had asked these questions, other wise these men wouldn’t be talking to his daughter.
"From what we have been able to determine, Cane perceives women as inferior, weak and should always do a man's bidding. In his mind, Chloe has defied him by not doing what he told her to do. She went to the hospital and to the police to file a report. She even went a step further and went to the school to request a hearing. He feels that in doing these things, by not doing what he wanted her to do, she has defied him.” James looked at Chloe. “I’m sorry that I have to tell you these things Chloe. I’m sorry that this will be difficult for you and the pain it will bring to surface. But you must know that we are here to ensure that he does not succeed in getting to you. We have already spoken to the sheriff and she is aware of the situation. His family is stonewalling us at every turn, denying that anything like this has happened before. They have already contacted their attorneys, and of course, no one knows where he is.”
“Do you have any leads as to where he may be at? Where he is staying?” Clark asked.
“No, I’m afraid we don’t. No credit cards have been used under his name or anyone in his family in the area, which indicates he is either using cash if he is staying at a motel, or he is camping out somewhere. We are having a news conference in about 2 hours at Lexcorp to see if we can flush him out.” James gave Chloe a wry grin. “You sure do have friends in high places Chloe. Lex Luthor himself insisted that the press conference be held there. He is also offering you and your father 24 hour protection and a reward of $50,000 for any information leading to Cane’s capture.”
“Gabe, do you know about this?” Jonathan asked.
“Yes. He called me early this morning. I’m not sure how he knew what was going on, but he tipped me off that this..this psycho had killed someone.” Gabe looked at his daughter. “Honey, are you alright?”
Chloe looked at her father and felt more terrified than she had ever felt in her life. She could not bear the thought that something might happen to him. “Detective James, do you think that my father or my friends are in any danger?”
“Nothing indicates that he wants to harm anyone but you Ms. Sullivan” Collins said. ‘Interesting question. Most people would be scared for themselves. She’s worried about her family.’
“The young woman. She looked like me didn’t she?”
Collins looked her square in the eye. “Yes” Chloe didn’t even flinch. His impression of her started to change.
“Did she have any previous connections to him?”
“From what we have been able to gather from her family and friends, she had been raped as well, shortly before you were.”
“Were there any indications that connected that murder to me? Other than what you found in his apartment?”
“There were indications…enough that brought us here to you.”
“So, it’s possible that she was killed because he wanted it to be me?”
‘This girl is going to go far as a reporter. Hell, she’d make a great cop’ Collins thought. “Yes, we think it’s possible.”
Chloe was silent for a few moments. She knew when the detectives began to tell her what had happened what the outcome would be. He had sent her another message, one that told her that he wanted to kill her and would stop at nothing.
“I need to make this perfectly clear. My family is to be kept safe at all times. I don’t care what it takes, who you have to clear it through, you will keep them safe. I will do whatever it is that you want me to do, but they will come first.” She could feel rather than see Clark and her father start to speak. “Dad, I mean this. He will hurt you or anyone else I love if he thinks it will get to me. I will not have someone else’s blood on my hands again and it sure as hell won’t be my family’s.”
There was silence in the kitchen. The sunlight came through the window and illuminated the kitchen with it’s bright and cheerful light. It did nothing to stave off the chill that Chloe felt in her soul. She shivered and felt Clark put his arm around her. She looked up to his face and found that he was staring out the window. She saw the anger that was in his eyes and his jaw clench. She felt her father’s eyes on her and looked at him. She saw in him the strength and support he had always given her.
“Miss Sullivan, we will be watching out for you and your father, but we will need a list of other family members that you think will need protection.” Collins asked, a bit puzzled.
Chloe looked at him as if he had two heads. “The people in this room. Pete Ross, Lana Lang. I imagine that Lex will be able to take care of himself.”
“Lex will be able to take care of the others as well Chloe” Lex said from the doorway of the Kent’s porch. He looked at Mr. Kent as if to ask for permission to enter the house. After seeing the older man nod his head, Lex opened the door and walked in.
“Lana has agreed to move into the mansion for the time being, and the Ross’s will have additional 24 protection in addition to what Judge Ross has already in place for her son. As long as the Kent’s permit it, I will have 24 protection here as well. I would like to offer a security system installed for the time being, and have it removed once this has been resolved.” Lex nodded to the detectives for the first time. “Gentleman. Chloe, I know you are not going to like this, but I want you and your father to move into the mansion as well. I have plenty of room and I think it will be easier on everyone to know that you are in a secure environment.”
“Well, good morning to you too Lex. Would you like to sit down and have some coffee before you start rearranging my life?” Chloe softened her sarcasm with a smile.
“Chloe, Lex talked to me about this before we came her this morning. I told him I thought it was good idea.” Gabe told his daughter.
“I know Dad, it is a good idea. One that, even though I’m not one for hiding, I’m inclined to agree with.” She looked at the detectives once again. “What else do you need me to do?”
“At this point, not much. Just keep you guard up and let us know if anything else suspicious happens. If you receive any packages, cards, etc, don’t touch them until you have contacted us and we have a look at it.” Collins nodded at Lex “It seems that Mr. Luthor seems to have your security well in hand. We will have his people checking in with us at several times during the day and night. In the meantime, we will be staying at the Smallville Inn in room 7 and 8 if you need to contact us.” With a glance to his partner, Collins rose from his seat, pulled out a card from his jacket pocket and jotted down a phone number. “He is my card with my cell as well as the number of the hotel. You’ll have to excuse us now, but we need to stop by the sheriff’s office and get her up to speed. Mr. Luthor, if you will please call me and let me know what security measures you have in place, and who your point person will be so that we can coordinate our efforts.” He reached for Chloe’s hand. “Ms. Sullivan, we’ll be in touch.”
Chloe shook his hand. “Thank you Detective.” She turned and shook Detective James’ hand as well. “Thank you.”
James watched his partner make his way to the door. The group had all taken this a their cue to rise and start conversation again. “Chloe,” he said as quietly as he could, “I’m truly sorry that this has happened. Please do whatever Mr. Luthor and his team ask you to do and stay safe. We are having a hard time tracking this guy, but I promise you, I will not give up until we have him.”
Chloe considered him for a moment. For some reason, she believed him. She understood corruption, and knew that sometimes good people make bad choices, not because the want to but because they had to. “I have no reason to believe you Detective James, but I do. Ryan is crazy, and he is more violent than you give him credit for.” Chloe laid a hand on the sleeve of his jacket. “I’ll be careful, but I hope that you will be as well. I don’t want anyone else to be hurt because of me.” He put his hand over Chloe’s and gave it a squeeze and nodded his head. “Thank you Chloe. Take care.”
With a minimum amount of fuss and confusion the detectives left the house, while Gabe stayed behind. All of a sudden, Chloe felt like a fish in a bowl because everyone in the room were focusing their attention on her. ‘Lord, I can’t take this much longer.’ She looked at Lex and asked, “Well, Mr. Luthor, when do we move in?”
“Today if you can gather what you will need. Chloe, I’m sorry you think that your father and I have rearranged your life without you. There was no time to contact you before..”
“It’s ok Lex. I’m a little pissed off, no make that a lot, but not at you or dad. I’m sorry I sounded so sarcastic earlier. You’re right,I don’t like this and I’m not happy about it, but I know that you want what’s best and I appreciate everything your doing Lex. Maybe I can make the best of this and finally get that interview you’ve always been promising me.”
Lex smiled and turned to the Kent’s. “If you would like, I can have that security system installed by the end of the day. It would be temporary and I will have it removed any time you wish.”
Martha and Jonathan looked at each other. “We appreciate the offer Lex, but I think we will be ok.” Jonathan said.
“Are you sure Mr. Kent? It really is no trouble. Chloe’s right, Ryan Cane will hurt anyone he has to in order to get to Chloe. The information that I have been able to gather suggests that he has been violent and unstable for quite some time.”
Before Jonathan had a chance to reply, Clark said, “How can he have been like this and no one has ever done anything about it?”
“Money, Clark. It all comes down to money. One of the first things I learned in Gotham is that it’s a corrupt city. Families like the Cane’s practically own the city and cover up anything they want too.”, Chloe replied.
“It appears that they can buy whomever they want as well. I have a friend in Gotham who is trying to change that tide, but it’s a slow battle.”
Chloe looked at Lex. “Bruce Wayne, right?”
Lex grinned. “How did you guess?”
“Because he seems to be the only one in Gotham who gives a damn about it’s citizens. I’ve read several articles and interviews on the web and in the Planet. He is making waves and I imagine this will help his cause.”
“Yes, he has been trying to find out the depth of the corruption of the police department for months. It unfortunately took a murder that couldn’t be swept under the rug to give him the break he needed. By the reports I’m getting and what’s coming out on the news, it sounds like the backlash from the public is quite strong. I’m sorry you’re not there Chloe to get the story.”
“For once Lex, I’m glad about that. So, Dad, are ready to live the life of the rich and famous?”
Gabe chuckled. His daughter was an amazing creature. “I’m ready, but I hope that when this is over, you don’t become a, what’s the word, diva?”
Clark snorted and Chloe gave him an elbow in the stomach. “Funny. I’m sure it’s a lifestyle I could become used to, but I’ll just have to resist.” She turned to the Kent’s. “Thanks for letting us doing this here. We seem to have invaded and took over for a while. It meant a lot to me that you stayed with me.”
Martha smiled and reached out to hug Chloe. “You and your father are family honey. We stick together.”
Chloe fought the tears that stung her eyes. “Well, it looks like it’s moving day. Can I borrow your son to help us?”
Jonathan Kent stood in the doorway of his kitchen, unsure of what to do. After Clark had sped for the house, he finished putting in the post his son has started. He stood and stared at his house for minutes before he, with a resigned sigh, packed up his tools in his truck and drove back. The fence needed to be finished, but it wouldn’t be today. His family needed to be together, and his family included Chloe.
He walked up behind Martha and put his arms around her waist. He knew a quiet war raged within her and knew that working in the kitchen was her outlet. He imagined that the house would be sparkling from top to bottom by the end of the day.
Martha leaned back against her husbands’ chest, grateful for his strength. No words were spoken, but their bond was strong and no words were needed.
They both looked out the window at the sound of cars approaching the house. The lead car they had not seen before, however, the second car was Gabe Sullivan’s. Both cars stopped and two gentleman got out of the first car and Gabe climbed out of his. Martha and Jonathan moved almost as one to meet them at the door.
“Good morning Gabe.” Martha said, “Is everything ok?”
“Is Chloe here?” Gabe asked.
“She’s upstairs with Clark. What’s going on Gabe?” Jonathan asked.
“Mr. and Mrs. Kent? I’m detective Collins and this is detective James from the Gotham police department. We need to speak with Miss. Sullivan.”
Jonathan had been looking at Gabe when the gentleman spoke. What he saw his face did not ease his sense of foreboding. “Gabe?”
“Can you get Chloe? She’s not in any trouble. Or at least not in the way you might think.”
Martha started toward the stairs, but stopped when she saw her son and Chloe come down the stairs. Her heart broke a little when she saw Chloe had been crying. Clark had a fierce determination on his face that she recognized all too well. She didn’t know what the detectives wanted, but they were obviously going to have to go through Clark too.
Clark felt the tension come off of Chloe in waves as they both spotted the men with Gabe. Chloe stopped abruptly at the bottom of the stairs, and Clark almost knocked her over. He put his hands on her waist to steady her and felt her body vibrate.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Gotham’s finest.” Chloe sneered, her eyes flashing bright with anger. “If you’ve come to try and discredit me some more, you’ve come to the wrong place. Smallville may not have a large police force, but at least they’re not owned by anyone. You’re in my hometown no gentleman and if you think that I can be swept under the rug or intimidated here, you are seriously mistaken. I know people here that make those bastards in Gotham look like poor country folk. I was kowtowed in Gotham, to my endless shame, but not here and not ever again.”
The room was dead silent. Gabe almost wept as he finally saw his little girl become the fireball she once had been. She had taken a step away from Clark during her tirade and her fisted hands were on her hips. She may be petite, but she looked like an Amazon warrior ready for battle. Her eyes blazed with a fury he had never seen before and her face was flushed with anger. This, this was the Chloe he raised, and yet she was something more.
She had no idea why the Gotham PD was in Smallville. She was scared, but she had Clark, the Kents, her family, so matter what they were there for, she knew nothing would happen. They were on her turf now, and Chloe now felt that she was in control of her life for the first time in a long time.
As she waited for the detectives to respond to her outburst, she watched them. The taller one, detective Collins, showed no emotion on his face, but the other one--- James, was distinctly uncomfortable. These were the two that “supposedly” took her report at the hospital.
Collins finally broke the silence. “Miss Sullivan, I don’t know if you remember us—“
“Oh, I remember, but I’m surprised that you do, with no record of my report and all.” Chloe’s snark was in full force.
A muscle twitched in his jaw. “ Well, since you remember, there’s no need to introduce ourselves. Is there somewhere that we can go and talk in private?”
“Why? Anything you Keystone Cops have to say to me can be said in front of my family.” She felt rather than heard Clark move behind her in one of his classic protective gestures.
“Chlo- honey, hear them out ok?” Gabe interjected. The look that passed between them told her that she needed to pull back just a bit.
Chloe sighed and looked back at the police. “What do you want? What else can I possible have done to warrant this visit?”
Detective James answered her question. “Miss Sullivan, you’ve done nothing wrong.” He exchanged a glance with his partner. “Some things have come to light recently and we believe your life may be in danger. May we have a seat?”
Martha’s hostess instincts kicked in. “Please, have a seat at the kitchen table. I’ll make us some fresh coffee.” As she crossed the room to enter the kitchen, she met her son’s gaze. She saw the determined look that was in his eyes and matched with her own. No one was going to hurt Chloe again, both her and Gabe were a part of the Kent family, and that afforded all the love, faith, and protection they had.
As the group moved toward the kitchen, introductions were made with Clark. Chloe just stared at Clark as he introduced himself as her boyfriend. As their gazes met, Clark’s eyes became warm and a twinkle was evident when he looked at her. Looking at her like that made her feel as if they were the only two in the room. The moment was broken when Jonathan spoke.
“How exactly is Chloe’s life in danger?”
“Well, Miss Sullivan, have you noticed anything strange happen in the last few days?” James asked.
Chloe picked at the muffin that Martha had placed in front of her. She didn’t trust these two men and didn’t know how she should answer the question. She glanced at her dad and saw him nod at her. ‘Well, if he trusts them, I don’t have a choice.’ She took a breath. “Yes, I’ve received some flowers twice that had no card to them. No one I know had sent the flowers to me, so I contacted the florist who delivered them, and since they received the order via the internet, they couldn’t tell me who ordered them. The credit card was a one time use card and I haven’t been able to track it.” Chloe stopped. Even though these guys had screwed up before, they were still cops and giving any cop any indication of her hacking skills was NOT a good idea. No matter how incompetent they are. “I also have an unshakable feeling of being watched though.” She added a bit lamely. “Why?”
Collins took a breath. This girl had caused a house of cards to fall in Gotham. He had been forced to “lose” her report as well as many others. It had never set well with him, but he had a family, and it was made very clear to him that he was to play ball. Now everything had gone to hell and he may lose his job anyway. “Miss Sullivan there has been a murder of a young woman. Our suspect is Ryan Cane, the young man whom you accused of attacking you.” He raised his hand as he saw Chloe open her mouth to speak. “Please, let me finish. Upon searching his apartment we have come to the conclusion that Cane may be coming to Smallville to find you.”
“Miss Sullivan,” James interjected, “we are about to tell you information that is not to be released to the public. Because of what happened to you this past spring and what we have since found, we find it necessary to warn you and help in any way we can.” He leaned over the table and looked directly into her eyes. “Chloe, I am truly sorry about what happened. If I could go back and change things, I would. You need to know that there are several of us who regret the way things have gone. I need you to understand that for many of us, we had to play the game otherwise we had no way to support ourselves and our families. I’m not using this as an excuse, because frankly this whole thing is inexcusable, but I feel compelled to tell you this. Because you need to trust us now, and I know we have not given you a reason to.” He leaned back in his chair. “We found pictures of you Chloe, hundreds of them. It looks like he had been following you for quite some time in Gotham. There were articles you had written for the Torch, and a diary of sorts that he had kept. A diary that detailed what happened to you, as well as several others. The most disturbing evidence we found in the diary indicates that he had been following you after your attack and even to Smallville. He has become fixated on you and sees you as someone who needs to be punished, someone who has defied him. He is very descriptive as to what he plans to do if he succeeds in getting to you.”
“What do you mean by Chloe is someone who has defied him?” Jonathan asked. He imagined that Gabe already had asked these questions, other wise these men wouldn’t be talking to his daughter.
"From what we have been able to determine, Cane perceives women as inferior, weak and should always do a man's bidding. In his mind, Chloe has defied him by not doing what he told her to do. She went to the hospital and to the police to file a report. She even went a step further and went to the school to request a hearing. He feels that in doing these things, by not doing what he wanted her to do, she has defied him.” James looked at Chloe. “I’m sorry that I have to tell you these things Chloe. I’m sorry that this will be difficult for you and the pain it will bring to surface. But you must know that we are here to ensure that he does not succeed in getting to you. We have already spoken to the sheriff and she is aware of the situation. His family is stonewalling us at every turn, denying that anything like this has happened before. They have already contacted their attorneys, and of course, no one knows where he is.”
“Do you have any leads as to where he may be at? Where he is staying?” Clark asked.
“No, I’m afraid we don’t. No credit cards have been used under his name or anyone in his family in the area, which indicates he is either using cash if he is staying at a motel, or he is camping out somewhere. We are having a news conference in about 2 hours at Lexcorp to see if we can flush him out.” James gave Chloe a wry grin. “You sure do have friends in high places Chloe. Lex Luthor himself insisted that the press conference be held there. He is also offering you and your father 24 hour protection and a reward of $50,000 for any information leading to Cane’s capture.”
“Gabe, do you know about this?” Jonathan asked.
“Yes. He called me early this morning. I’m not sure how he knew what was going on, but he tipped me off that this..this psycho had killed someone.” Gabe looked at his daughter. “Honey, are you alright?”
Chloe looked at her father and felt more terrified than she had ever felt in her life. She could not bear the thought that something might happen to him. “Detective James, do you think that my father or my friends are in any danger?”
“Nothing indicates that he wants to harm anyone but you Ms. Sullivan” Collins said. ‘Interesting question. Most people would be scared for themselves. She’s worried about her family.’
“The young woman. She looked like me didn’t she?”
Collins looked her square in the eye. “Yes” Chloe didn’t even flinch. His impression of her started to change.
“Did she have any previous connections to him?”
“From what we have been able to gather from her family and friends, she had been raped as well, shortly before you were.”
“Were there any indications that connected that murder to me? Other than what you found in his apartment?”
“There were indications…enough that brought us here to you.”
“So, it’s possible that she was killed because he wanted it to be me?”
‘This girl is going to go far as a reporter. Hell, she’d make a great cop’ Collins thought. “Yes, we think it’s possible.”
Chloe was silent for a few moments. She knew when the detectives began to tell her what had happened what the outcome would be. He had sent her another message, one that told her that he wanted to kill her and would stop at nothing.
“I need to make this perfectly clear. My family is to be kept safe at all times. I don’t care what it takes, who you have to clear it through, you will keep them safe. I will do whatever it is that you want me to do, but they will come first.” She could feel rather than see Clark and her father start to speak. “Dad, I mean this. He will hurt you or anyone else I love if he thinks it will get to me. I will not have someone else’s blood on my hands again and it sure as hell won’t be my family’s.”
There was silence in the kitchen. The sunlight came through the window and illuminated the kitchen with it’s bright and cheerful light. It did nothing to stave off the chill that Chloe felt in her soul. She shivered and felt Clark put his arm around her. She looked up to his face and found that he was staring out the window. She saw the anger that was in his eyes and his jaw clench. She felt her father’s eyes on her and looked at him. She saw in him the strength and support he had always given her.
“Miss Sullivan, we will be watching out for you and your father, but we will need a list of other family members that you think will need protection.” Collins asked, a bit puzzled.
Chloe looked at him as if he had two heads. “The people in this room. Pete Ross, Lana Lang. I imagine that Lex will be able to take care of himself.”
“Lex will be able to take care of the others as well Chloe” Lex said from the doorway of the Kent’s porch. He looked at Mr. Kent as if to ask for permission to enter the house. After seeing the older man nod his head, Lex opened the door and walked in.
“Lana has agreed to move into the mansion for the time being, and the Ross’s will have additional 24 protection in addition to what Judge Ross has already in place for her son. As long as the Kent’s permit it, I will have 24 protection here as well. I would like to offer a security system installed for the time being, and have it removed once this has been resolved.” Lex nodded to the detectives for the first time. “Gentleman. Chloe, I know you are not going to like this, but I want you and your father to move into the mansion as well. I have plenty of room and I think it will be easier on everyone to know that you are in a secure environment.”
“Well, good morning to you too Lex. Would you like to sit down and have some coffee before you start rearranging my life?” Chloe softened her sarcasm with a smile.
“Chloe, Lex talked to me about this before we came her this morning. I told him I thought it was good idea.” Gabe told his daughter.
“I know Dad, it is a good idea. One that, even though I’m not one for hiding, I’m inclined to agree with.” She looked at the detectives once again. “What else do you need me to do?”
“At this point, not much. Just keep you guard up and let us know if anything else suspicious happens. If you receive any packages, cards, etc, don’t touch them until you have contacted us and we have a look at it.” Collins nodded at Lex “It seems that Mr. Luthor seems to have your security well in hand. We will have his people checking in with us at several times during the day and night. In the meantime, we will be staying at the Smallville Inn in room 7 and 8 if you need to contact us.” With a glance to his partner, Collins rose from his seat, pulled out a card from his jacket pocket and jotted down a phone number. “He is my card with my cell as well as the number of the hotel. You’ll have to excuse us now, but we need to stop by the sheriff’s office and get her up to speed. Mr. Luthor, if you will please call me and let me know what security measures you have in place, and who your point person will be so that we can coordinate our efforts.” He reached for Chloe’s hand. “Ms. Sullivan, we’ll be in touch.”
Chloe shook his hand. “Thank you Detective.” She turned and shook Detective James’ hand as well. “Thank you.”
James watched his partner make his way to the door. The group had all taken this a their cue to rise and start conversation again. “Chloe,” he said as quietly as he could, “I’m truly sorry that this has happened. Please do whatever Mr. Luthor and his team ask you to do and stay safe. We are having a hard time tracking this guy, but I promise you, I will not give up until we have him.”
Chloe considered him for a moment. For some reason, she believed him. She understood corruption, and knew that sometimes good people make bad choices, not because the want to but because they had to. “I have no reason to believe you Detective James, but I do. Ryan is crazy, and he is more violent than you give him credit for.” Chloe laid a hand on the sleeve of his jacket. “I’ll be careful, but I hope that you will be as well. I don’t want anyone else to be hurt because of me.” He put his hand over Chloe’s and gave it a squeeze and nodded his head. “Thank you Chloe. Take care.”
With a minimum amount of fuss and confusion the detectives left the house, while Gabe stayed behind. All of a sudden, Chloe felt like a fish in a bowl because everyone in the room were focusing their attention on her. ‘Lord, I can’t take this much longer.’ She looked at Lex and asked, “Well, Mr. Luthor, when do we move in?”
“Today if you can gather what you will need. Chloe, I’m sorry you think that your father and I have rearranged your life without you. There was no time to contact you before..”
“It’s ok Lex. I’m a little pissed off, no make that a lot, but not at you or dad. I’m sorry I sounded so sarcastic earlier. You’re right,I don’t like this and I’m not happy about it, but I know that you want what’s best and I appreciate everything your doing Lex. Maybe I can make the best of this and finally get that interview you’ve always been promising me.”
Lex smiled and turned to the Kent’s. “If you would like, I can have that security system installed by the end of the day. It would be temporary and I will have it removed any time you wish.”
Martha and Jonathan looked at each other. “We appreciate the offer Lex, but I think we will be ok.” Jonathan said.
“Are you sure Mr. Kent? It really is no trouble. Chloe’s right, Ryan Cane will hurt anyone he has to in order to get to Chloe. The information that I have been able to gather suggests that he has been violent and unstable for quite some time.”
Before Jonathan had a chance to reply, Clark said, “How can he have been like this and no one has ever done anything about it?”
“Money, Clark. It all comes down to money. One of the first things I learned in Gotham is that it’s a corrupt city. Families like the Cane’s practically own the city and cover up anything they want too.”, Chloe replied.
“It appears that they can buy whomever they want as well. I have a friend in Gotham who is trying to change that tide, but it’s a slow battle.”
Chloe looked at Lex. “Bruce Wayne, right?”
Lex grinned. “How did you guess?”
“Because he seems to be the only one in Gotham who gives a damn about it’s citizens. I’ve read several articles and interviews on the web and in the Planet. He is making waves and I imagine this will help his cause.”
“Yes, he has been trying to find out the depth of the corruption of the police department for months. It unfortunately took a murder that couldn’t be swept under the rug to give him the break he needed. By the reports I’m getting and what’s coming out on the news, it sounds like the backlash from the public is quite strong. I’m sorry you’re not there Chloe to get the story.”
“For once Lex, I’m glad about that. So, Dad, are ready to live the life of the rich and famous?”
Gabe chuckled. His daughter was an amazing creature. “I’m ready, but I hope that when this is over, you don’t become a, what’s the word, diva?”
Clark snorted and Chloe gave him an elbow in the stomach. “Funny. I’m sure it’s a lifestyle I could become used to, but I’ll just have to resist.” She turned to the Kent’s. “Thanks for letting us doing this here. We seem to have invaded and took over for a while. It meant a lot to me that you stayed with me.”
Martha smiled and reached out to hug Chloe. “You and your father are family honey. We stick together.”
Chloe fought the tears that stung her eyes. “Well, it looks like it’s moving day. Can I borrow your son to help us?”
Chapter 17
Chapter 17
Clark sat and listened in stunned silence. He couldn’t breathe. He didn’t know what to think or how to react.
“Clark I was raped.” Those words caused him more pain than a thousand meteor rocks ever could. Only years of practice helped him school his features to show no expression. He didn’t want Chloe to see the rage he felt.
He knew she thought of him as clueless sometimes, but he knew she was more scared of what he was going to think of her than about what happened. He wasn’t going to interrupt her, or say anything until she was finished. He honestly didn’t know what he was going to say.
So he sat and listened to her as she told her story. He struggled with himself to keep from grabbing her and running so far and fast that no one could ever hurt her again. He wanted to find this guy and well, he couldn’t decide if he wanted to turn him into a charcoal briquette or break him into a million pieces and hurl him into the sun. Both had its appeal.
He watched her as her emotions played across her face, amazed at her strength. Clark knew she didn’t perceive herself as strong right now, but she was wrong. No matter what “gifts” or “strength” Earth’s sun had given him, they were nothing compared to the inner strength he was witnessing right now in Chloe Sullivan.
“I don’t know how I made it to the hospital, I really don’t”
Clark saw Chloe turn inward after this statement. Her eyes glazed over and she started to shake. She wrapped her arms around herself and let out a whimper. She had gone back to that examination room, and he knew that she would never tell him about the exam. He really didn’t want to know. He couldn’t take it anymore, so he gathered her in his arms and stroked her hair. He gently rocked her cradled in his arms until she started to push away. Their eyes met, and she gave him a slight nod to let him know she was okay to continue.
He could feel the helplessness she must have felt as she described the systematic degradation she endured with the dismissal from the school paper, the threats of the dean, the “lost” records and the slap in the face from the Gazette.
But nothing he had been feeling compared to the devastation he felt when Chloe turned her beautiful green eyes to him filled with despair and shame.
“Clark, I don’t know what you think of me right now, but I’m asking you to put that aside because I need your help. Clark, he’s found me and I think he’s been watching me for awhile”
Clark knew she was waiting for him to respond. He had no idea what to say to her, his mind was whirling with a thousand thoughts and he felt exhausted, like he had done all his chores with no powers. He tried to speak, but the words caught in his throat. He stood up, walked over to the window and looked outside while he collected himself.
It only took a minute, but when he turned around, he saw Chloe crying. Before he could speak he burst out.
“I know Clark that you must think I’m weak and damaged, and you’re right, I am. But I really need your help. I don’t want anyone else to get hurt. I’m scared that Dad, Pete or even Lana may try and do something to him once they know he’s here. He’s crazy and I---Clark, please” she sobbed, “help me protect them!”
For the second time that day Clark was beside Chloe before he was even aware that he had moved. He put his arms around her and once again gathered her to his chest. He placed a soft kiss on her head before resting his chin on it. He had seen her cry maybe a handful of times since he had known her, and each time was like a knife in his heart. Usually because I had caused her to cry, he thought. This time was so much worse.
“I don’t think your damaged or weak Chloe.” He spoke quietly like he would to a spooked animal. “I—I just needed a few moments to process what you’ve said. I can’t even begin to imagine what you have been through, but if what I’m feeling is even a fraction of what you do, you have to be one of the strongest people I’ve ever known.” He pulled her back away from him and looked into her face. “Look at me Chloe” he said. She raised her eyes to meet his. “I mean that Chloe. I can’t believe you’ve held that inside and dealt with it pretty much by yourself. I know what it’s like to live with a secret Chloe, but I had a support system. Mom and Dad were always here with me. I can’t believe you didn’t come home to be with your dad straight away.” Clark gave her a small smile. “You are right about one thing Chlo—you don’t know what I think about you right now. If you did, you would know that I love you more now than I did before.”
Clark watched her eyes widen in shock at what he had said. He watched her eyes refill with tears and spill down her cheeks. He pulled her back into his arms and felt the helplessness he had felt drain away. Chloe was home now, and no matter what it took, he would protect her.
“Ok Chloe, tell me what you think is going on. We’ll go from there.”
Clark sat and listened in stunned silence. He couldn’t breathe. He didn’t know what to think or how to react.
“Clark I was raped.” Those words caused him more pain than a thousand meteor rocks ever could. Only years of practice helped him school his features to show no expression. He didn’t want Chloe to see the rage he felt.
He knew she thought of him as clueless sometimes, but he knew she was more scared of what he was going to think of her than about what happened. He wasn’t going to interrupt her, or say anything until she was finished. He honestly didn’t know what he was going to say.
So he sat and listened to her as she told her story. He struggled with himself to keep from grabbing her and running so far and fast that no one could ever hurt her again. He wanted to find this guy and well, he couldn’t decide if he wanted to turn him into a charcoal briquette or break him into a million pieces and hurl him into the sun. Both had its appeal.
He watched her as her emotions played across her face, amazed at her strength. Clark knew she didn’t perceive herself as strong right now, but she was wrong. No matter what “gifts” or “strength” Earth’s sun had given him, they were nothing compared to the inner strength he was witnessing right now in Chloe Sullivan.
“I don’t know how I made it to the hospital, I really don’t”
Clark saw Chloe turn inward after this statement. Her eyes glazed over and she started to shake. She wrapped her arms around herself and let out a whimper. She had gone back to that examination room, and he knew that she would never tell him about the exam. He really didn’t want to know. He couldn’t take it anymore, so he gathered her in his arms and stroked her hair. He gently rocked her cradled in his arms until she started to push away. Their eyes met, and she gave him a slight nod to let him know she was okay to continue.
He could feel the helplessness she must have felt as she described the systematic degradation she endured with the dismissal from the school paper, the threats of the dean, the “lost” records and the slap in the face from the Gazette.
But nothing he had been feeling compared to the devastation he felt when Chloe turned her beautiful green eyes to him filled with despair and shame.
“Clark, I don’t know what you think of me right now, but I’m asking you to put that aside because I need your help. Clark, he’s found me and I think he’s been watching me for awhile”
Clark knew she was waiting for him to respond. He had no idea what to say to her, his mind was whirling with a thousand thoughts and he felt exhausted, like he had done all his chores with no powers. He tried to speak, but the words caught in his throat. He stood up, walked over to the window and looked outside while he collected himself.
It only took a minute, but when he turned around, he saw Chloe crying. Before he could speak he burst out.
“I know Clark that you must think I’m weak and damaged, and you’re right, I am. But I really need your help. I don’t want anyone else to get hurt. I’m scared that Dad, Pete or even Lana may try and do something to him once they know he’s here. He’s crazy and I---Clark, please” she sobbed, “help me protect them!”
For the second time that day Clark was beside Chloe before he was even aware that he had moved. He put his arms around her and once again gathered her to his chest. He placed a soft kiss on her head before resting his chin on it. He had seen her cry maybe a handful of times since he had known her, and each time was like a knife in his heart. Usually because I had caused her to cry, he thought. This time was so much worse.
“I don’t think your damaged or weak Chloe.” He spoke quietly like he would to a spooked animal. “I—I just needed a few moments to process what you’ve said. I can’t even begin to imagine what you have been through, but if what I’m feeling is even a fraction of what you do, you have to be one of the strongest people I’ve ever known.” He pulled her back away from him and looked into her face. “Look at me Chloe” he said. She raised her eyes to meet his. “I mean that Chloe. I can’t believe you’ve held that inside and dealt with it pretty much by yourself. I know what it’s like to live with a secret Chloe, but I had a support system. Mom and Dad were always here with me. I can’t believe you didn’t come home to be with your dad straight away.” Clark gave her a small smile. “You are right about one thing Chlo—you don’t know what I think about you right now. If you did, you would know that I love you more now than I did before.”
Clark watched her eyes widen in shock at what he had said. He watched her eyes refill with tears and spill down her cheeks. He pulled her back into his arms and felt the helplessness he had felt drain away. Chloe was home now, and no matter what it took, he would protect her.
“Ok Chloe, tell me what you think is going on. We’ll go from there.”
Chapter 16
Chapter 16
‘By the next day, I had found out that the police had indeed “misplaced” my file. I explained that I had a copy of the hospital report, but they informed me that they had no record of my case at all and did not seem interested in helping me in any way. I then called the hospital and was told almost the exact same thing. When I explained that I had a copy of my hospital report and discharge papers, I was rudely told that I was mistaken and that my paperwork was false. My next call was to the Gotham Gazette to see if they were interested in a cover up story regarding my case. No matter what I said, I couldn’t get past the operator and was told that someone would get back to me.
I went to school newspaper like I always did after my classes. My editor was there and caught up with me as soon as I walked through the door.’
Chloe thought of the feeling of panic she felt when she walked into the office. She felt it every time she went in and would go nowhere near where it happened.
‘My editor asked to talk to me in private. We stepped out into the hallway, where he preceded to tell me not only was he killing my story, but also that I was no longer on the paper. He said he was sorry, but that my work was “sub standard” and “too tabloid” for the paper. I was to collect any personal items, and turn in my key to the office immediately. I had nothing in the office I wanted, so I gave him my key and left. I can’t believe now that I didn’t put up more of a fight, but I think deep down I knew something like this might be coming. At the time, it was just easier for me to let it go.’
Chloe’s eyes lit with fury at the memory. ‘Sub standard and too tabloid my ass,’ she thought. ‘I can write rings around any one of those hacks. Not to mention that paper isn’t fit enough to line a birdcage! I was the best reporter there and he KNEW it! Hell, he had told me I was the best reporter he had in years. The only reason I wasn’t writing features was because of stupid seniority. The spineless jerk.’
‘Since I had nowhere to go and nothing to do, I headed back to my dorm. I knew that he was still trying to “teach me a lesson”. Trying to inflict more pain and suffering. He knew that having me kicked off the paper would hurt and humiliate me more than anything else. I was so furious because he had been able to manipulate and control my life in a span of a few short weeks and the fact that I was allowing it to happen infuriated me more.
When I got to my room there was an envelope that had been slid under the door. I picked it up and noticed it was from the dean’s office. A feeling of dread came over me as I pulled out the letter.’
Chloe stopped and got up to walk over to her bag. She pulled out the envelope and felt the same helplessness she felt the first time she read it. She could feel Clark’s eyes on her, but she couldn’t return his gaze. She walked back over and began to read.
Dear Miss. Sullivan,
As I’m sure you are aware, we have dismissed your request for a disciplinary hearing regarding your alleged assault. Since we have found no supporting evidence, either from the police or the hospital, to warrant such a hearing, we are insisting that you cease and desist any further actions in regards to this matter. If any further actions do indeed occur, which results in the tarnishment of this university, or the young man accused, your association with Gotham University will end.
Arthur Harrington
Chloe finished the letter and closed her eyes. She could hear the bitterness in voice as she read it, and her emotions threatened to overwhelm her. She inhaled deeply and willed them back. She was past that now, she was home. She opened her eyes and looked at Clark and continued.
‘The phone rang. It was the Gazette. The person proceeded to inform me that the paper had no interest in my “supposed” cover up story. Then not so politely asked me to not to bother them again with “slanderous tabloid stories”. Funny how twice in one day I was told my work was “tabloid”. I knew it was no coincidence, but for the first time in my life I couldn’t fight back. He had too much power and too much money behind him.’
Defeat and shame crept into Chloe’s eyes as she looked at Clark. The moment of truth had come. This is where the worst comes. This is where I’ll know if he will still think of me the same way.
‘I gave up, Clark. No matter what I did, it was not going to make a difference. He was going to get away with it.
Only a month was left in the quarter. With a little help from Jennifer, and some other girls in the dorm, I was able to avoid him. I made sure I was never alone. I started to see a counselor, Jennifer’s mother. I spoke with Dad almost every day. No matter how much I wanted though, I didn’t call you guys. I just couldn’t. I was ashamed of what happened to me, but I was more ashamed of what I had become.
Finally, the last day of school came. I had my stuff packed and loaded it into my car. As soon as I took my last exam, I left. I didn’t even say goodbye to my few friends, until I called them from the road.
You know the rest. I came home and have been here since. Trying to put my life back together, trying to find me again. But I think I might be in trouble Clark.’
Chloe straightened her spine and looked Clark square in the eyes.
‘Clark, I don’t know what you think of me right now, but I’m asking you to put that aside, because I need your help. Clark, he’s found me, and I think he’s been watching me for awhile.’
‘By the next day, I had found out that the police had indeed “misplaced” my file. I explained that I had a copy of the hospital report, but they informed me that they had no record of my case at all and did not seem interested in helping me in any way. I then called the hospital and was told almost the exact same thing. When I explained that I had a copy of my hospital report and discharge papers, I was rudely told that I was mistaken and that my paperwork was false. My next call was to the Gotham Gazette to see if they were interested in a cover up story regarding my case. No matter what I said, I couldn’t get past the operator and was told that someone would get back to me.
I went to school newspaper like I always did after my classes. My editor was there and caught up with me as soon as I walked through the door.’
Chloe thought of the feeling of panic she felt when she walked into the office. She felt it every time she went in and would go nowhere near where it happened.
‘My editor asked to talk to me in private. We stepped out into the hallway, where he preceded to tell me not only was he killing my story, but also that I was no longer on the paper. He said he was sorry, but that my work was “sub standard” and “too tabloid” for the paper. I was to collect any personal items, and turn in my key to the office immediately. I had nothing in the office I wanted, so I gave him my key and left. I can’t believe now that I didn’t put up more of a fight, but I think deep down I knew something like this might be coming. At the time, it was just easier for me to let it go.’
Chloe’s eyes lit with fury at the memory. ‘Sub standard and too tabloid my ass,’ she thought. ‘I can write rings around any one of those hacks. Not to mention that paper isn’t fit enough to line a birdcage! I was the best reporter there and he KNEW it! Hell, he had told me I was the best reporter he had in years. The only reason I wasn’t writing features was because of stupid seniority. The spineless jerk.’
‘Since I had nowhere to go and nothing to do, I headed back to my dorm. I knew that he was still trying to “teach me a lesson”. Trying to inflict more pain and suffering. He knew that having me kicked off the paper would hurt and humiliate me more than anything else. I was so furious because he had been able to manipulate and control my life in a span of a few short weeks and the fact that I was allowing it to happen infuriated me more.
When I got to my room there was an envelope that had been slid under the door. I picked it up and noticed it was from the dean’s office. A feeling of dread came over me as I pulled out the letter.’
Chloe stopped and got up to walk over to her bag. She pulled out the envelope and felt the same helplessness she felt the first time she read it. She could feel Clark’s eyes on her, but she couldn’t return his gaze. She walked back over and began to read.
Dear Miss. Sullivan,
As I’m sure you are aware, we have dismissed your request for a disciplinary hearing regarding your alleged assault. Since we have found no supporting evidence, either from the police or the hospital, to warrant such a hearing, we are insisting that you cease and desist any further actions in regards to this matter. If any further actions do indeed occur, which results in the tarnishment of this university, or the young man accused, your association with Gotham University will end.
Arthur Harrington
Chloe finished the letter and closed her eyes. She could hear the bitterness in voice as she read it, and her emotions threatened to overwhelm her. She inhaled deeply and willed them back. She was past that now, she was home. She opened her eyes and looked at Clark and continued.
‘The phone rang. It was the Gazette. The person proceeded to inform me that the paper had no interest in my “supposed” cover up story. Then not so politely asked me to not to bother them again with “slanderous tabloid stories”. Funny how twice in one day I was told my work was “tabloid”. I knew it was no coincidence, but for the first time in my life I couldn’t fight back. He had too much power and too much money behind him.’
Defeat and shame crept into Chloe’s eyes as she looked at Clark. The moment of truth had come. This is where the worst comes. This is where I’ll know if he will still think of me the same way.
‘I gave up, Clark. No matter what I did, it was not going to make a difference. He was going to get away with it.
Only a month was left in the quarter. With a little help from Jennifer, and some other girls in the dorm, I was able to avoid him. I made sure I was never alone. I started to see a counselor, Jennifer’s mother. I spoke with Dad almost every day. No matter how much I wanted though, I didn’t call you guys. I just couldn’t. I was ashamed of what happened to me, but I was more ashamed of what I had become.
Finally, the last day of school came. I had my stuff packed and loaded it into my car. As soon as I took my last exam, I left. I didn’t even say goodbye to my few friends, until I called them from the road.
You know the rest. I came home and have been here since. Trying to put my life back together, trying to find me again. But I think I might be in trouble Clark.’
Chloe straightened her spine and looked Clark square in the eyes.
‘Clark, I don’t know what you think of me right now, but I’m asking you to put that aside, because I need your help. Clark, he’s found me, and I think he’s been watching me for awhile.’
Chapter 15
When I finally came around, it was late. I had been out for hours. I ached and hurt everywhere, mentally I was in shock. I knew I need to get to the doctor, or call the police, but I couldn’t move. My cell phone rang and I jumped. I crawled to where my bag had fallen and pulled out my cell phone. It was daddy, but I didn’t answer the phone. I knew I would completely fall apart if I heard his voice. The phone got me moving though. I promised myself I would call him later.
I got myself together as much as I could. He had torn my shirt and my pants were ripped, but I was covered and that was all I needed. I half ran, half walked to my car. I was afraid he was still around. I started the car and I could feel the sobs starting to well up in my chest. I don’t know how I made it to the hospital, I really don’t.’
Chloe started to shake as she thought of the doctor at the hospital. The smell of the antiseptic flooded her senses and she could feel the rough hospital gown against her skin. She remembered that there were twenty one and a half ceiling tiles above the cubicle where the doctor examined her. She let out a small whimper as she felt the pain again of the examination. She felt movement on the bed and the next thing she realized was that she was in Clark’s arms. He was rocking her gently, stroking and crooning soothing words into her hair. She couldn’t understand what he was saying, only that they had the calming effect she needed to continue. She started to push away and their eyes met. She gave a slight nod to let him know she was okay.
‘They called the police while the doctor was examining me. After the exam, the police came in and took my statement. One of the nurses had gotten me some clothes, I have no idea where she got them. The police asked me if I intended to press charges, and after I said yes, exchanged looks. I should have known then what might be coming. They told me they would be in touch and left. The doctor came back in and gave me instructions for the next couple of days and told me I was free to go. The same nurse who had gotten my clothes came into the room as I was getting ready to leave. She handed me some paperwork for insurance and said in a low voice, ‘The results of the doctor’s exam are here as well. You may need them later.’ Thank God, she had given them to me. I did need them later. Not that it did much good.
I wasn’t allowed to drive with my concussion, so I had to call a cab. When I got back to my dorm, I took a shower.
She wasn’t going to tell him that she scrubbed her skin until it was raw. Even then, she could still feel him, could still smell him on her. She scrubbed and scrubbed and still didn’t feel clean. She wasn’t going to tell him how she sank down against the wall of the shower and cried until the water went cold.
My roommate was out with her boyfriend so I didn’t have to explain what was going on. I crawled into bed and prayed that I could sleep. I grabbed my phone and called daddy. I hope to God I never have to have a conversation like that with him again. He wanted me to come home right away, but I couldn’t. Not until I had resolved this and put the jerk in jail. I also wanted to prove to myself that I could handle this on my own and not have to run home to daddy, you or anyone else for help.
The next day, I laid low, except to go to my RA and ask her what I should do next. I figured the administration would want to know they had a crazed rapist on the loose. She told me that I would have to contact the admin office with a copy of the police report. They in turn would get back to me in regards to a disciplinary hearing. I would not have to be present unless the case was not clear. She was concerned and upset, and told me if there was anything else she could do, to let her know.
The days that followed were a blur. I made my complaint with the administration, I went to class, I went to the paper and I went home. I managed to avoid him by skipping the classes I had with him and changing my schedule around. The senior editor gave me the go ahead to write an article about rape among college women. In depth, how to protect yourself, what to do or not to do so not to get seriously hurt or killed, what steps to take after. Wasn’t my ideal way to get a story published, but I was more interested in trying to educate my fellow students than getting a story published.
About two weeks after, I was in my room studying when my RA, Jennifer, knocked on my door. She asked if she could talk to me privately, and since my roommate was out, again, I invited her in. She sat on my bed, so I turned my desk chair around and sat down to face her. She had been stopping by to see how I was doing during the last couple of weeks, but what she told me took me by surprise.
‘’They aren’t going to have a hearing Chloe.’ She said.
‘I’ve been told to advise you that the board does not believe that there is any evidence to warrant a hearing.’
‘What do you mean no evidence? I gave them a copy of the police report.’
Laura went pale. ‘The police say they can’t verify that report. They seem to have “misplaced” your case file. The board spoke with Ryan and he claims that he was at a friends house. So they feel that no action is necessary.’
‘I don’t believe this.’ I whispered. ‘They think I’m lying?’ My voice started to rise.
‘In a word, yes.’ She rushed on before I could say anything. ‘I believe you Chloe. So do some of the other girls in the dorm. He’s done this before, Chloe, but his family has the power and the money to bury this and it looks like they’ve already done it. If you want to drop this now, like the board has advised me to convince you to do, I’ll be behind you. If you choose to pursue this, like I hope you do, I’ll be behind you. Either way, you’re in for a rough time. I had hoped that this would stay quiet, but somehow, the whole story has come out with Ryan being portrayed as the victim.’ She took a card out of her back pocket. ‘I want you to talk to my mother. She’s a psychologist who councils abuse victims.’ She shook her head at me, ‘Before you say no, just take her card and think about it okay? Please?’ She handed me the card. She stood up and walked to the door. ‘I’m sorry Chloe, I really am. Let me know what you decide.’
I sat there in shock as I watched her leave. I couldn’t believe that this was happening. I whirled around in my chair and booted up my computer. ‘I was in for a rough time huh? Well, if that was true, then I was going to go down swinging!’ I remember thinking. I had some hacking to do, and I was going to quit until I had some answers.
I got myself together as much as I could. He had torn my shirt and my pants were ripped, but I was covered and that was all I needed. I half ran, half walked to my car. I was afraid he was still around. I started the car and I could feel the sobs starting to well up in my chest. I don’t know how I made it to the hospital, I really don’t.’
Chloe started to shake as she thought of the doctor at the hospital. The smell of the antiseptic flooded her senses and she could feel the rough hospital gown against her skin. She remembered that there were twenty one and a half ceiling tiles above the cubicle where the doctor examined her. She let out a small whimper as she felt the pain again of the examination. She felt movement on the bed and the next thing she realized was that she was in Clark’s arms. He was rocking her gently, stroking and crooning soothing words into her hair. She couldn’t understand what he was saying, only that they had the calming effect she needed to continue. She started to push away and their eyes met. She gave a slight nod to let him know she was okay.
‘They called the police while the doctor was examining me. After the exam, the police came in and took my statement. One of the nurses had gotten me some clothes, I have no idea where she got them. The police asked me if I intended to press charges, and after I said yes, exchanged looks. I should have known then what might be coming. They told me they would be in touch and left. The doctor came back in and gave me instructions for the next couple of days and told me I was free to go. The same nurse who had gotten my clothes came into the room as I was getting ready to leave. She handed me some paperwork for insurance and said in a low voice, ‘The results of the doctor’s exam are here as well. You may need them later.’ Thank God, she had given them to me. I did need them later. Not that it did much good.
I wasn’t allowed to drive with my concussion, so I had to call a cab. When I got back to my dorm, I took a shower.
She wasn’t going to tell him that she scrubbed her skin until it was raw. Even then, she could still feel him, could still smell him on her. She scrubbed and scrubbed and still didn’t feel clean. She wasn’t going to tell him how she sank down against the wall of the shower and cried until the water went cold.
My roommate was out with her boyfriend so I didn’t have to explain what was going on. I crawled into bed and prayed that I could sleep. I grabbed my phone and called daddy. I hope to God I never have to have a conversation like that with him again. He wanted me to come home right away, but I couldn’t. Not until I had resolved this and put the jerk in jail. I also wanted to prove to myself that I could handle this on my own and not have to run home to daddy, you or anyone else for help.
The next day, I laid low, except to go to my RA and ask her what I should do next. I figured the administration would want to know they had a crazed rapist on the loose. She told me that I would have to contact the admin office with a copy of the police report. They in turn would get back to me in regards to a disciplinary hearing. I would not have to be present unless the case was not clear. She was concerned and upset, and told me if there was anything else she could do, to let her know.
The days that followed were a blur. I made my complaint with the administration, I went to class, I went to the paper and I went home. I managed to avoid him by skipping the classes I had with him and changing my schedule around. The senior editor gave me the go ahead to write an article about rape among college women. In depth, how to protect yourself, what to do or not to do so not to get seriously hurt or killed, what steps to take after. Wasn’t my ideal way to get a story published, but I was more interested in trying to educate my fellow students than getting a story published.
About two weeks after, I was in my room studying when my RA, Jennifer, knocked on my door. She asked if she could talk to me privately, and since my roommate was out, again, I invited her in. She sat on my bed, so I turned my desk chair around and sat down to face her. She had been stopping by to see how I was doing during the last couple of weeks, but what she told me took me by surprise.
‘’They aren’t going to have a hearing Chloe.’ She said.
‘I’ve been told to advise you that the board does not believe that there is any evidence to warrant a hearing.’
‘What do you mean no evidence? I gave them a copy of the police report.’
Laura went pale. ‘The police say they can’t verify that report. They seem to have “misplaced” your case file. The board spoke with Ryan and he claims that he was at a friends house. So they feel that no action is necessary.’
‘I don’t believe this.’ I whispered. ‘They think I’m lying?’ My voice started to rise.
‘In a word, yes.’ She rushed on before I could say anything. ‘I believe you Chloe. So do some of the other girls in the dorm. He’s done this before, Chloe, but his family has the power and the money to bury this and it looks like they’ve already done it. If you want to drop this now, like the board has advised me to convince you to do, I’ll be behind you. If you choose to pursue this, like I hope you do, I’ll be behind you. Either way, you’re in for a rough time. I had hoped that this would stay quiet, but somehow, the whole story has come out with Ryan being portrayed as the victim.’ She took a card out of her back pocket. ‘I want you to talk to my mother. She’s a psychologist who councils abuse victims.’ She shook her head at me, ‘Before you say no, just take her card and think about it okay? Please?’ She handed me the card. She stood up and walked to the door. ‘I’m sorry Chloe, I really am. Let me know what you decide.’
I sat there in shock as I watched her leave. I couldn’t believe that this was happening. I whirled around in my chair and booted up my computer. ‘I was in for a rough time huh? Well, if that was true, then I was going to go down swinging!’ I remember thinking. I had some hacking to do, and I was going to quit until I had some answers.
Chapter 14
I was sitting in the newspaper office at school. There was a hint of spring in the air and everyone was restless. The other staff members left early to enjoy the weather. I was still low man on the totem pole, so I still had some copywriting and editing to get done so I stayed behind.
I had gotten so involved, I hadn’t noticed it had gotten dark and the building had grown quiet. I felt someone watching me, and when I looked up there was a guy standing there. I had seen him around campus and he was in one or two of my classes, but had never talked to him. He was pretty popular around campus, mainly because his father was the dean of admissions. His father was very persistent in recruiting me to coming to Gotham and working on the school paper. His father was a nice man, or so I thought.
I felt a little uneasy finding him watching me, especially since I had not heard him come in. He must have seen a look on my face because he smiled and took a step back.
‘You’re Chloe right? I’m in a couple of your classes. I’m Ryan.’
‘Hi. What brings you here? I didn’t know you were interested in journalism.’
‘Oh I’m not. I was looking for a friend of mine, but I see no one is here but you.’ He took a couple of steps closer towards my desk and sat on the edge. ‘What’s a pretty girl like you doing here all by yourself?’ he leaned over and smiled.
When he smiled, there was a look that came into his eyes, I can’t quite describe it, but it was vacant and maniacal at the same time. It was only there for a second or two, but it was then I started to get really nervous.
‘I was actually about to leave, my cousin is in town and I’m running late to see her.’ I stood up and started to reach for my bag.
I never saw him coming. He moved so fast, by the time I had my bag in my hand, he was in front of me and had grabbed my wrist.
‘Now why do you have to be in such a rush? I’ve been trying to talk to you for weeks and you always walk away and blow me off.’ He gripped my wrist tighter and his voice went lower, ‘I don’t like to get blown off.’
At this point I was scared. He was about as big as you Clark, and he was nowhere near as gentle. He had such a grip on my wrist that it went beyond pain; he was cutting off circulation to my hand. I was struggling to keep a grip on my bag, knowing that if I was going to get away from him, I was going to have to hit him with it.
‘I’ve asked around about you Chloe. You don’t have many friends and you haven’t dated much since you got here. You always show up for class on time and you sometimes stay late to speak with your English professor. When you’re not in class, you’re here. My friend says you’re a good reporter and very dedicated. You’re stepping on a few toes because you’re showing people up. Getting things done on time, if not early. Finding out things when no one else can.’
He was backing me slowly to the wall. I was so spooked to hear this stranger tell me about my daily routine, I didn’t realize what he was doing.
‘You speak your mind. You’re in control of your life aren’t you Chloe? I like that. I like strong women. You know why?’ His eyes glinted evilly ‘Because I like to break them Chloe.’ He gave me a hard shake. ‘Women like you is what’s wrong with the world. A women’s place is by man’s side, meek and obedient. I’ve made it my life’s mission to teach women this, and guess what Chloe? You’re next.’
Just remembering those words he said, the look in his eyes started to make her feel nauseous. So far, she had avoided eye contact with Clark. She glanced at him and saw no expression at all on his face but a look she couldn’t fathom was lurking in his eyes.
Please God, give me the strength to get through this she thought. She took a deep breath and continued.
‘When he stopped talking, he looked at me with an expectant look on his face. I realized that during his crazy speech he had completely pinned me against the wall. My bag was gone, he had his hands gripped on my upper arms, and he had positioned himself in such a way that I couldn’t raise my knee to his more sensitive areas. My mind started to function again. How had I let myself get into this situation? I know how to avoid getting into positions where I could be overpowered. I guess I was so hypnotized by him and his insanity I was like a deer caught in a car’s headlights. I didn’t know what was coming until it was there.
I could tell he was enjoying this. Not just physically, but by the look in his eyes. He knew he had me trapped, but he was waiting; waiting for me to fight back. I knew my struggles would only increase his sick pleasure, but the survival instinct is strong, it was kicking in and my struggling increased.
Chloe could feel her heart starting to race again; could feel her breath coming more rapidly. She looked at Clark, and again couldn’t read the look on his face. He’s going to pull away from me she thought. She began to panic, started to get off the bed. Clark grabbed her hand and pulled her back down. He looked at her, smiled slightly and nodded for her to continue.
I couldn’t fight him physically, so I fought back with what I could, my mouth and my snark. I said something like not being a dog to be led around on a leash and then preceded to make some remark regarding his lack of intelligence to think other wise. He grew angry and snarled at me. He started to lean in towards me and I screamed. I screamed so loud that I lost my voice for a couple of days.
Chloe paused for a moment, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. This was going to be the hardest part to tell.
‘Bitch!’ was the last thing I really remember him saying because he jerked me forward and slammed me back against the wall so that my head cracked against it. I saw a white flash of light before my eyes and things got fuzzy and sluggish after that.
I knew what was happening, it was like I was floating over my own body. I felt helpless because I couldn’t stop it. The doctor later told me that he was surprised I was even conscious. I had a severe concussion.
I kept thinking of you Clark, of Pete, my dad and home. I kept thinking if I survived, if I could make it home, I would be okay.
When he finished, he collected himself and started to leave. He turned back and said ‘Don’t bother to tell anyone about this Chloe. No one will believe you. You’re no one. Remember that.’ With that he walked out the door and I finally passed out.
I had gotten so involved, I hadn’t noticed it had gotten dark and the building had grown quiet. I felt someone watching me, and when I looked up there was a guy standing there. I had seen him around campus and he was in one or two of my classes, but had never talked to him. He was pretty popular around campus, mainly because his father was the dean of admissions. His father was very persistent in recruiting me to coming to Gotham and working on the school paper. His father was a nice man, or so I thought.
I felt a little uneasy finding him watching me, especially since I had not heard him come in. He must have seen a look on my face because he smiled and took a step back.
‘You’re Chloe right? I’m in a couple of your classes. I’m Ryan.’
‘Hi. What brings you here? I didn’t know you were interested in journalism.’
‘Oh I’m not. I was looking for a friend of mine, but I see no one is here but you.’ He took a couple of steps closer towards my desk and sat on the edge. ‘What’s a pretty girl like you doing here all by yourself?’ he leaned over and smiled.
When he smiled, there was a look that came into his eyes, I can’t quite describe it, but it was vacant and maniacal at the same time. It was only there for a second or two, but it was then I started to get really nervous.
‘I was actually about to leave, my cousin is in town and I’m running late to see her.’ I stood up and started to reach for my bag.
I never saw him coming. He moved so fast, by the time I had my bag in my hand, he was in front of me and had grabbed my wrist.
‘Now why do you have to be in such a rush? I’ve been trying to talk to you for weeks and you always walk away and blow me off.’ He gripped my wrist tighter and his voice went lower, ‘I don’t like to get blown off.’
At this point I was scared. He was about as big as you Clark, and he was nowhere near as gentle. He had such a grip on my wrist that it went beyond pain; he was cutting off circulation to my hand. I was struggling to keep a grip on my bag, knowing that if I was going to get away from him, I was going to have to hit him with it.
‘I’ve asked around about you Chloe. You don’t have many friends and you haven’t dated much since you got here. You always show up for class on time and you sometimes stay late to speak with your English professor. When you’re not in class, you’re here. My friend says you’re a good reporter and very dedicated. You’re stepping on a few toes because you’re showing people up. Getting things done on time, if not early. Finding out things when no one else can.’
He was backing me slowly to the wall. I was so spooked to hear this stranger tell me about my daily routine, I didn’t realize what he was doing.
‘You speak your mind. You’re in control of your life aren’t you Chloe? I like that. I like strong women. You know why?’ His eyes glinted evilly ‘Because I like to break them Chloe.’ He gave me a hard shake. ‘Women like you is what’s wrong with the world. A women’s place is by man’s side, meek and obedient. I’ve made it my life’s mission to teach women this, and guess what Chloe? You’re next.’
Just remembering those words he said, the look in his eyes started to make her feel nauseous. So far, she had avoided eye contact with Clark. She glanced at him and saw no expression at all on his face but a look she couldn’t fathom was lurking in his eyes.
Please God, give me the strength to get through this she thought. She took a deep breath and continued.
‘When he stopped talking, he looked at me with an expectant look on his face. I realized that during his crazy speech he had completely pinned me against the wall. My bag was gone, he had his hands gripped on my upper arms, and he had positioned himself in such a way that I couldn’t raise my knee to his more sensitive areas. My mind started to function again. How had I let myself get into this situation? I know how to avoid getting into positions where I could be overpowered. I guess I was so hypnotized by him and his insanity I was like a deer caught in a car’s headlights. I didn’t know what was coming until it was there.
I could tell he was enjoying this. Not just physically, but by the look in his eyes. He knew he had me trapped, but he was waiting; waiting for me to fight back. I knew my struggles would only increase his sick pleasure, but the survival instinct is strong, it was kicking in and my struggling increased.
Chloe could feel her heart starting to race again; could feel her breath coming more rapidly. She looked at Clark, and again couldn’t read the look on his face. He’s going to pull away from me she thought. She began to panic, started to get off the bed. Clark grabbed her hand and pulled her back down. He looked at her, smiled slightly and nodded for her to continue.
I couldn’t fight him physically, so I fought back with what I could, my mouth and my snark. I said something like not being a dog to be led around on a leash and then preceded to make some remark regarding his lack of intelligence to think other wise. He grew angry and snarled at me. He started to lean in towards me and I screamed. I screamed so loud that I lost my voice for a couple of days.
Chloe paused for a moment, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. This was going to be the hardest part to tell.
‘Bitch!’ was the last thing I really remember him saying because he jerked me forward and slammed me back against the wall so that my head cracked against it. I saw a white flash of light before my eyes and things got fuzzy and sluggish after that.
I knew what was happening, it was like I was floating over my own body. I felt helpless because I couldn’t stop it. The doctor later told me that he was surprised I was even conscious. I had a severe concussion.
I kept thinking of you Clark, of Pete, my dad and home. I kept thinking if I survived, if I could make it home, I would be okay.
When he finished, he collected himself and started to leave. He turned back and said ‘Don’t bother to tell anyone about this Chloe. No one will believe you. You’re no one. Remember that.’ With that he walked out the door and I finally passed out.
Chapter 13
Clark walked into his room after his shower and found Chloe curled up on his bed clutching one of his flannel shirts. Clark was amused that she was dozing with his shirt. He sat down next to her and shook her gently.
“Chlo.” He paused. “Chloe.”
“Hmmm…” Chloe mumbled and tried to bury her head in his shirt.
Clark chuckled. “The shirt will not save you Chlo. C’mon, wake up and talk to me.” He stroked her arm.
Chloe groaned and opened her eyes. She groaned again as she looked at Clark. He looked incredible. His hair was still wet from the shower and was curling on his neck and forehead. He had not put a shirt on yet, and his chest was also still damp. Chloe watched a drop of water trail down his strong, broad, tanned chest. She could feel herself getting warm.
“Um, could you put a shirt on? You’re chest is a little distracting.”
Clark arched his eyebrow. “Oh really? I could say the same for yours and that’s with your shirt on.” He got up from the bed and pulled a clean shirt from his dresser. He didn’t miss the blush that crept up her neck and face.
“Wow Clark. I’m surprised you noticed.”
“I noticed.” He came back to the bed and sat down. He took a hold of her hands and looked at her in the eye. “Tell me what’s wrong Chlo.”
Chloe ducked her head to avoid his gaze. He watched her take a deep breath, pause a moment and then raise her head to meet his gaze.
“Before I tell you Clark, I have to say this. I wasn’t trying to keep this from you. I wanted to tell you when the time was right and when I felt strong enough. I’m sorry you felt left out and I didn’t mean to worry you. I did tell the others the night of the party, but I’m glad you weren’t there.” She paused as she saw the look of hurt cross his face. “Because I needed to tell you alone Clark.”
Chloe looked at the boy before her and bared her heart and soul. “Because you are my rock, my savior, my best friend, my everything. Because I love with you and have been since the 8th grade. Because I’m so scared of what this will do to us.” She stopped as she saw a look she could not decipher cross his face.
“You love me?” he asked.
“Yes.” She whispered and looked away.
He grasped her chin and turned her face toward him. “Chloe Sullivan no matter what you tell me, I will still be your rock, your savior and your best friend.” He stopped there, leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips before he continued. “I will love you and be your everything for as long as I live. Nothing, I mean nothing will ever change that.”
Chloe was stunned. When the impact of what he said started to sink in, she threw her arms around him and gave him a kiss on the mouth. She sobered quickly when she realized what she was doing and drew away.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to say that Clark. I didn’t think you ever would, and now that you have, I don’t know if this will be easier telling you or harder.” Chloe sighed. “You have to let me finish Clark. Don’t interrupt me or I’ll never get through it.” She looked at him. “Promise?”
He looked back at her and gave her and encouraging smile. On the inside he was a nervous wreck. “Promise.”
She gave him a watery smile. She looked down at their intertwined hands and tried to find the right way to say these next words. The words that, despite all Clark’s optimism, could change the course of their relationship. The words, and the act behind them, that had changed her life. Had changed her, made her feel weak and afraid. Looking at their hands together and understanding the love and the power that was behind that love, brought her a feeling that she had not felt this strong in a while—courage. With Clark beside her, she knew she could face anyone and anything and still be her own woman. She understood that now and said a little prayer that he would not change his mind about her. This was going to hurt him, and she was sorry for bringing him this pain, but she was done being afraid. Starting right now, with him beside her, she was going to fight and take her life back. She took another deep breath, raised her head, squared her shoulders and looked him in the eyes.
“Clark, I was raped.”
“Chlo.” He paused. “Chloe.”
“Hmmm…” Chloe mumbled and tried to bury her head in his shirt.
Clark chuckled. “The shirt will not save you Chlo. C’mon, wake up and talk to me.” He stroked her arm.
Chloe groaned and opened her eyes. She groaned again as she looked at Clark. He looked incredible. His hair was still wet from the shower and was curling on his neck and forehead. He had not put a shirt on yet, and his chest was also still damp. Chloe watched a drop of water trail down his strong, broad, tanned chest. She could feel herself getting warm.
“Um, could you put a shirt on? You’re chest is a little distracting.”
Clark arched his eyebrow. “Oh really? I could say the same for yours and that’s with your shirt on.” He got up from the bed and pulled a clean shirt from his dresser. He didn’t miss the blush that crept up her neck and face.
“Wow Clark. I’m surprised you noticed.”
“I noticed.” He came back to the bed and sat down. He took a hold of her hands and looked at her in the eye. “Tell me what’s wrong Chlo.”
Chloe ducked her head to avoid his gaze. He watched her take a deep breath, pause a moment and then raise her head to meet his gaze.
“Before I tell you Clark, I have to say this. I wasn’t trying to keep this from you. I wanted to tell you when the time was right and when I felt strong enough. I’m sorry you felt left out and I didn’t mean to worry you. I did tell the others the night of the party, but I’m glad you weren’t there.” She paused as she saw the look of hurt cross his face. “Because I needed to tell you alone Clark.”
Chloe looked at the boy before her and bared her heart and soul. “Because you are my rock, my savior, my best friend, my everything. Because I love with you and have been since the 8th grade. Because I’m so scared of what this will do to us.” She stopped as she saw a look she could not decipher cross his face.
“You love me?” he asked.
“Yes.” She whispered and looked away.
He grasped her chin and turned her face toward him. “Chloe Sullivan no matter what you tell me, I will still be your rock, your savior and your best friend.” He stopped there, leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips before he continued. “I will love you and be your everything for as long as I live. Nothing, I mean nothing will ever change that.”
Chloe was stunned. When the impact of what he said started to sink in, she threw her arms around him and gave him a kiss on the mouth. She sobered quickly when she realized what she was doing and drew away.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to say that Clark. I didn’t think you ever would, and now that you have, I don’t know if this will be easier telling you or harder.” Chloe sighed. “You have to let me finish Clark. Don’t interrupt me or I’ll never get through it.” She looked at him. “Promise?”
He looked back at her and gave her and encouraging smile. On the inside he was a nervous wreck. “Promise.”
She gave him a watery smile. She looked down at their intertwined hands and tried to find the right way to say these next words. The words that, despite all Clark’s optimism, could change the course of their relationship. The words, and the act behind them, that had changed her life. Had changed her, made her feel weak and afraid. Looking at their hands together and understanding the love and the power that was behind that love, brought her a feeling that she had not felt this strong in a while—courage. With Clark beside her, she knew she could face anyone and anything and still be her own woman. She understood that now and said a little prayer that he would not change his mind about her. This was going to hurt him, and she was sorry for bringing him this pain, but she was done being afraid. Starting right now, with him beside her, she was going to fight and take her life back. She took another deep breath, raised her head, squared her shoulders and looked him in the eyes.
“Clark, I was raped.”
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